A journal detailing my conversations with Jesus Christ, our walk through this life, stories about my life and whatever else inspires me. Copyright 2021 by JC Everson
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Behold! The Christ
This morning as I was struggling to awaken from the night's sleep, I envisioned myself in my local church for Christmas Mass. As the priest was about to begin the homily, it seemed as if I floated right up to the alter and bowed low before the infant Christ child. Then Mary and Joseph were there and Mary offered to let me hold the newborn Lord.
What an honor it was to be able to sit there, holding our Lord while Mary and Joseph looked on and angels were singing. Everyone in the church beheld the newborn infant and many came forward to bow low before our God.
As I was sitting there, I stood and proclaimed to all who could hear, "Behold the Christ." It was an incredibly powerful half waking dream and I didn't want to get up or give the Child back to his Mother.
Thank you, my God for this vision. I pray that I may be courageous and bold enough to proclaim you at all times and in all events.
Thank you my sweet one for all the praise and worship you give me. Continue to worship and praise and be not afraid, for I am with you. I love you. Go in peace.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Winter arrives
Although this picture is from last winter, today's weather looks very similar. The temperature is below zero without the wind chill factor. With wind chill, it's probably -10 right now. The wind is making it bitterly cold, but it's winter and it's acting like a "normal" one again.
For so many years, we have had a drought and not much snow or cold, so it's nice to again have the snow and cold. The extreme cold does a number of things that, not surprisingly, are important to the ecosystem.
On to other things--Lord, two nights ago you roused me from my sleep to say my prayers and meditate on your coming. Before you completely rousted me out of bed, I had a half-waking vision of what it is you want to give me and it brought me such joy that I could not have stayed in bed if I wanted to. It was a delightful vision of the friend you wish me to have in you and to be to you and others. I arose with delight and joy to do as you asked me and said my prayers and was so anxious to start the day and do your will.
I did not interpret it correctly, however, and the way I expected the vision to be manifested did not happen, but the sense of joy I was left with did not diminish and I will truly be yours forever. I pray that I may someday fill you with such joy as you have allowed me to experience.
Thank you, my Lord and God for coming among us as a human and for showing us how life is supposed to be lived. Please bless me with what I need to do your will and to show my joy to others.
Dear sweet child--
Of course you bring me joy, especially when you arise from your warm bed to get up and pray because you hearing me ask it of you. I wish you would pay more attention to me so that you could be so obedient all the time. That is the gift I wish from you, a better and more perfect obedience. You will truly experience joy and delight at what happens when you are so obedient and I wish to give you that joy and delight in return. So, please try to pay more attention to my wishes throughout the day and to do as I ask you. Go in peace, my love.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Advent Joy
We had been out riding our ATVs when we viewed this sunset...looking east. When we looked west, it was magnificent also, but I was struck by the resounding beauty of the sky in this picture, a muted reflection of the brighter sunset to the west.
Thank you, my Lord and God, for the beauty of this day and for all the days you have given me. I thank you for sending your son to save us from our sins and I eagerly await the day when He will come among us once again.
Lord, I am so sorry for my attitude of the past weekend. I once again slipped into such a mental state of anguish over past grievances. I felt once again vulnerable and abused. But, you, my Lord and God have saved me from those things and I am sorry to have fallen back into that trap so easily.
Lord, you take such wonderful care of me that I cannot thank you enough or praise you enough. You have been such a Savior to me and I am often so ungrateful for all you have done. Lord, I thank you and praise you for saving me once again. Help me to focus on you entirely and not to fall into the traps being set for me. I can see now how you were guiding me and how you allowed me to do as I thought I should. I thank you for the wording...it was perfect and I thank you for the circumstances where I could go in and do what I had said I would do. I thank you also for allowing me to know of the timing of the card sending. I sent it before the call but I don't know if my friend knows that.
Lord, I am not sure why it had to be resurrected at this point in time unless it was because it was something that was hurting me so badly I could not go forward until I got it out. And the reaction since that time has been as it has always been...a rejection of me and my gifts as if I were a leper.
Lord, I am so thankful not to have to do that again. I pray for the strength to leave it here, leave it alone and continue on my journey with you. Guide me, Lord and lead me where you would have me go.
Oh my dear one--
It was so precious to me to have you run to me as a small child, jumping into my arms for protection and solace. I love to have you with me in that regard. I love it when you are vulnerable and come to me for protection. I am delighted with the classy way that you have handled this whole thing. Do not fear what might be said of you...we know that the person to whom this is directed will speak ill of you. Do not fear what others to whom he speaks will think or say of you, for they are blinded by his accusations. Go forward, pouring your love and forgiveness into the situation, as I pour it into you. Yes, all the blessings for this person have been procured by your prayers for him. You indeed have been a true friend to him while he has not been a friend to you. Do not fear. Whatever friendship you need can be found in me. I am delighted that you now feel you can pass on the blessings and not anguish over what might have been. Trust me. You are where I would have you be and I look forward to guiding you to further adventures. You are mine and I will deal with any injustices against you. You go on loving and laughing and fear nothing or no one. I uphold you and defend you and cherish you. Go in peace, sweet one. I love you.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Suffering for Christ
I think we have a flock of resident geese here. These and more can be seen swimming in the river daily.
I have allowed myself once again to be taken in by a friend--well, I am a friend to this person but the gift of friendship isn't returned.
I feel like sobbing my heart out right now because I allowed myself to forgive the person for past hurts and thought we might move forward. But the friendship is one-sided and not appreciated, so I have to once again try to rid myself of all the doubts and anguishes caused by my desire for a friendship.
I apparently misunderstood your will in this matter, my God and King. I thought the impulse to send a birthday card to this friend was from you, especially when I received a call from the person asking me to do a favor.
Why did I let this happen again? How can I get over the urge to bawl my eyes out over this and most assuredly, how can I get past it again?
Can you help me out here, Lord? Please heal me once again from the hurts caused by this person and help me figure out how to move past it once and for all.
Oh dear child--
I love you beyond measure. I hurt with you in this matter. I know how you wanted to reach some type of reconciliation with the person or at least have this person recognize your friendship. It is a valuable gift, even if it goes unrecognized. Do not despair over this and do not let it set you back. You know I have given you a new mission and a new work. Focus on that and on me.
You sent a card that opened yourself up again, that allowed you to be vulnerable and you feel this gift was shunned. You do not know this. You think perhaps the person has been ridiculing you for your vulnerability. You do not know this, either.
All deeds done in love, as this deed was done, will not go unrewarded. Do not be afraid to open yourself up to the pains of loving and of friendship. People will disappoint you and this person has shown that he will disappoint you more than most. Keep on loving and keep on being a friend to these people. I stand at the door of their hearts knocking and I am so often shunned and hurt, as you were. Do not let it stop you. Give the matter to me and allow my loving power to serve as a balm for the hurts you suffer.
My God, I thank you for the peace you have rendered unto my soul over this matter. I now know why the timing of the whole thing happened as it did--it was a gift to me so that I would know. The favor was asked before the person knew I had sent a card, so it had nothing to do with what I said in the card. And the idea to send the card did come from you--as you told me it did when I sent it. Not for him, but for me, that I might put closure to the terrible pain I had suffered. All the rest of my silly imaginings are just that--my silly imaginings. I do thank you once again, though, that I am out of there. How much more I appreciate that this day than even when I asked for it last year. I love you and hope to become a powerful tool in your hand, to do good. I might sometimes get hurt, but I will trust you to take care of those hurts and not expect too much from anybody.
Dear sweet one--
When you suffer for those you love, you are taking up your cross and following me. I did ask you to send the card. You did as I asked and did so lovingly and prayerfully. If there is mocking and ridiculing because of this, I will deal with it. You have done as I asked you. The outcome is in my hands. If you must suffer ridicule and mocking for the sake of love and friendship or for me, am I asking too much of you?
Stand tall and go forward boldly. You follow a victorious Christ. There is nothing for you to fear. I am at your side and I do guide you and guard you. You are precious to me, little one. Be at peace. I love you.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
The sunsets this time of year are phenomenal. It seems as if every time I look out the window there is another breathtaking example of God talking to me.
I actually took several shots of this earlier and the colors weren't so vivid. I couldn't believe it when I looked again and it was even more stunning than the earlier shots---which now seem rather unexceptional.
Thank you Lord, for sharing such beauty with me during this time of reduced sunlight and cold temperatures.
Last winter, it seems as if all my photos were of white as it snowed and snowed and snowed. This year, at least, I have had so far numerous chances to photograph the beauty of the evening skies. Thank you.
Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and as I was pondering this feast day, it came to me....conception. That is when God considered Mary alive and a unique person. It was an answer to the skeptics who often point out that "no one knows when human life begins." Except you kept Mary free from original sin from the very beginning of her life...starting at the moment of conception. And this answer came to us many years before we had the technology to confirm that human life does indeed begin then. I cannot understand how people can look at a tiny infant in the womb and say it is not a human life. I just don't get it.
But I thank you, Lord, for this insight. You kept Mary free from sin from the moment of conception so she could become a worthy temple for your Son. Thank you for that.
As I was reading the Gospel, I also for the first time realized it was Mary's innocence that made her question, "How can this be possible for I have had no relations with a man?" She wasn't doubting...only asking because she didn't understand. The angel showed tenderness in responding to her query and Mary showed us all how to be disciples by responding as she did.
Thank you for the gift of Mary and Jesus, almighty Father.
Precious one--
Thank you for your obedience today. Thank you for listening to the still small voice that guides you. Practice listening to this voice so that I may always guide you as I guided you today. I love you and cherish you. You are protected and empowered by me. Do not fear. Go in peace. I love you.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Secret Insights
The resident duck population outside my window amazes me as they seem to snuggle upon the ice. They just sit down on the ice or snow and tuck their wings in, looking like they are snuggled down for the night. They are so funny when they come begging for the cracked corn we put out for them daily. They fight and bicker among themselves, running over each other and shoving to get the best or most. It reminds me somewhat of the maddened shoppers on Black Friday who were so anxious to get the bargains offered by a store that they took the hinges off the door and then killed a man by trampling over him after he had fallen down. How very sad.
Today in the Gospel reading for Mass from Matthew 9:29-31, Jesus has healed two blind men after asking them, "Do you believe I can do this?" and they replied yes. So he told them and I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact phrasing that they "will be healed according to their faith." And then he admonishes them to "not tell anyone."
As I was reading this and pondering your words in my heart, Lord, I had a couple of thoughts. First was that I wonder if the blind men would have received their sight if their faith had been less than they led You to believe and that is why you healed them "according to their faith." I guess my thoughts were if you had asked me the same question and I thought you could heal me, but also had some doubts, would that have affected the final result? For example, if I believed you could give me partial sight back but not 20/20 vision, would I only receive partial sight--according to my faith--or would I get the full benefit of your healing and get perfect vision?
And the other thing that came to me while I was pondering the message is that you often admonished the people you healed not to tell anyone about it. But they all did, according to the Gospels.
Knowing human nature as well as you do, did you tell them not to speak of their healing knowing that human nature abhors keeping secrets and usually no one keeps quiet? It would be humorous if you did so, knowing that this testimony would spread like wildfire, much more so than if you told them to go out and spread the good news? Does that make sense to you, my Lord?
Good Evening my sweet one--
You are much blessed and I love you so much. Thank you for making the effort to write daily and to reflect in your writings on the daily Mass readings. Faith has everything to do with the answer to prayers and if you believe in me and in what I can do, why would you limit that with only partial healing? According to your faith, you receive the answers to your prayers. Meditate on your prayer requests and my answers to those to get your answer to that question.
As to the other, you have asked to know me better and to love me better. What better way to "spread the good news" than to tell humans not to speak of it? It works better than asking them to go out and evangelize, wouldn't you say? It is an insight into me and my knowledge of the human heart and mind and soul that I granted you because you asked. I love you and wish to share my life with you. This is an insight that theologians probably wouldn't ever give you. You are precious to me. Enjoy this gift. I love you--go in peace and share my secret with all who read your writings.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
A Wintery Advent Day
Monday, December 01, 2008
Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent
I took this while we were in Colorado visiting the kids over the Thanksgiving holiday. On Friday, we visited the famous Mt. Lindo which is home to the cross you can see on the mountain sides above Denver. It also is home to a cemetery which I had no idea about and it is quite astounding, both in the view...as you can see...and in the peacefulness that accompanies being at 10,000 feet.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I do thank you my Lord and God for the wonderful family you have given me. You have blessed me mightily. Thank you for seeing my son safely home from Iraq for his two week leave and thank you for seeing my daughter and her family safey through the crazy holiday traffic.
You are an awesome God and I love you and thank you for so many things. Help me to get back into my routine, especially now that Advent has begun. I would like to give you something special. What would you like, my God? How can I repay you for all you have done for me?
My sweet one--
You are precious to me. I wish you would speak of me more to your family. I know they see you and your faith as a strength and if you would remember to speak to them of how you feel about me, I would dearly love it. It would give me a opening to be more active in their lives. I know you are saddened that they have chosen to not be active in their faith. Keep on praying for them and speak to them of me and we will see if we can bring them back into the fold.
As to what I would like you to do for Advent...I would like you to do whatever you would like to do as long as you do it consistently. Speak to me, read of me, pray...do anything that you would like to do in this time of preparation for my coming, but do it in a consistent manner, not hit and miss as you so often do. I love you. Go in peace, sweet child.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Addressing Abandonment
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fighting Evil with Prayers and Fasts
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Small Stuff

This view is one I see almost daily when I take my dogs for their evening walk. The overall look varies, of course, depending on what season it is, but I seem to end up with quite a few photos of this particular stretch of river.
I meditate and talk with God alot on these excursions and I find it deeply satisfying. The dogs, of course, love it.
The meditation that appealed to me most today is one from "God Calling," a book I read daily. In it, the Lord admonishes the authors--"two prayers" to live for him in the small things. The phrase that struck me most is (paraphrased): "Men are willing to sacrifice in the big things...willing to die for me, but so often do not live for me in the little things."
That is something that I envision so often...me willing to make the "big sacrifice" when called upon..you know, something glorious and deeply moving and really BIG. And then I find myself cursing an inconsiderate driver or yelling at the dogs or my husband. Definitely not living for the Lord in the small things. I really need to work on that.
Lord, help me to live for you in the very small things of life...how I treat those people with whom I come in contact with on a daily basis so that when the time comes to make a big sacrifice for you, I am practiced enough not to fail.
Dear One--
You have grasped a very BIG truth here. If you practice living for me in the small things then you will be able to sacrifice all..even to being able and willing to die for me should the situation arise. Many who would die for me do not have the practiced skill of living for me in the small things and therefore do not succeed when actually called upon to make the big sacrifice. Know that I have heard your prayers and will bless you with the grace to live for me in the small things of your daily life.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Kindness as coin
"Raise us beyond the limits this world imposes, so that we may be free to love as Christ teaches and find our joy in your glory."--from the Alternative opening prayer for today's Mass
A portion of today's first reading from Ephesians tells us to "be kind to each other," and a meditation I have been reading tells me that a marriage counselor often uses this scripture verse to counsel people in troubled marriages. How sad that we must be counseled to treat our spouses with kindness. It should be understood in our marriage vows that treating your spouse with kindness is part of the deal. I guess if that were understood, there would be less need for marriage counselors.
Why do we find it so difficult to love as Christ teaches? Isn't it the most awesome thing you have ever experienced? I guess for many the experience of love--true love--has not been experienced as taught by Christ. Instead we offer some lust filled episodes and wonder that so many marriages fail.
What an awesome prayer, dear Lord, asking that we rise above the limits of false teachings on love to be free to really and truly love as you have taught us. True love is so powerful and yet so seldom done. Lord, help me this day to treat my spouse kindly as you would treat him and to also experience love as you would have me experience it. Thank you for you many blessings and for your forgiveness of my many faults. Help me to continue to strive to become perfect as my heavenly father is perfect.
Precious one--Do not fear for all is well. I am teaching you to love more truly each day. Do not be afraid to be kind and loving. It is like investing in the future, except there will be no "market crashes" to destroy your investments. Each act of kindness and love is like coin deposited in a bank and will be there for you when you need to make a "withdrawal." All is well. Go in peace.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Love in a Sunset
"I love you, Lord, my strength." --Psalm 18
The Psalm responsorial for today's Mass jumped out at me during my daily prayers. Father's homily about finding God's love in a sunset or a neighbor were particularly apt as well.
The photo was taken last night after Mass--I went on Saturday--and it seemed to me like an exclamation point to Father's homily.
God's love for us is all around us--truly it is in all aspects of nature that I love so well, in addition to being found in the people I love and cherish.
What is a little more difficult for me to grasp, but as true as his love in things which please me, is that his love is made manifest in people I don't love and cherish. I really need to work on seeing God in all things and people, especially people that I am not particularly fond of.
So, my dear Lord, my friend, my savior--I ask you this day to make me more open to seeing your love in all people and things and circumstances of my life. I have so many blessings to be thankful for and I do thank you for them. Please remind me when I am feeling less charitable than I am now that I need to see you in that grouchy man or woman who may need to experience you in me as much as I need to see you in them.
Also my dear friend, please bless Father John today and in the coming days as he faces a particularly daunting challenge in his life. He is a kind and loving person and I know you love him and are in him. Please help him through this difficult time that he may come through this challenge stronger and better able to love you and the people causing him such grief.
Thank you Lord for Jade. She has been an inspiration to me this past week and I suspect you brought us together for a reason. Help me to find that reason and to act according to your will regarding her. She is blessed by you, I can see that, and I admire that so much.
Thank you, Lord, for all your blessings.
My dear one--
Thank you for taking the time to listen to my still small voice in the midst of your busy life. You are precious to me for this time we share together. I do love you and guide you and guard you in all things. You must not fear to go forward, trusting that I am guiding you and leading you in the way I want you to go. You have many gifts that I have blessed you with and sometimes you do not always use these gifts. You have a tendency to want to hide them under a basket, so to speak, and I need for them to shine brightly so as to help my other children. There is nothing to fear. I will be with you always and giving you whatever you may need in any particular situation. So, go fearlessly into the future, sure of my love and companionship if you are sure of nothing else. You are a gift to me and I love you and cherish you. Do not disappoint me by hiding the gifts you have been given or the gift that you are to me. All is well, my sweet one. I love you.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Rainbow's Promise

Finding this photo--taken four years ago---is just like seeing a rainbow. The promise that I feel whenever I see a rainbow is so uplifting to my heart and soul. I realize once again, when contemplating the beauty of a rainbow, how God will never again abandon us to death and destruction.
That thought, my Lord and my King, is so comforting to me as I again think of the upcoming election. While I have been praying over and over again--since June--a novena for your will to be accomplished this election, I grow fearful when I read news of polls and of the super majority Democrats in Congress are expected to have. My prayers, as you know, have been for pro-life candidates at all levels--local, state, national--to win. If everything I read is true, then my prayers are naive. But I refuse to believe such prayers are hopeless.
After reading such discouraging items, I have to remind myself that you led Moses to the very brink of the Red Sea before parting it before him. You have saved me on more than one occasion at the very last minute. I also remind myself that the people touting this news are people who want Obama to win and who want liberals to control Congress.
Or at least, they think that is what they want. I suspect many are completely ignorant of what a Democratic majority in congress and the White House will mean to our American and Christian way of life. I think that the people who will be in positions of power after this election will abuse that power.
There is truth to the saying, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I suspect that if one party controls all branches of our government that corruption will stink up this land.
The press doesn't realize how complicit in eroding our freedoms they have become. Truth is truth and unbiased is unbiased and press coverage of this election has been neither truthful nor unbiased.
I wonder if I should just stop reading all the "news" that so disturbs me.
Lord, forgive me for my failings and my faults. I wanted to fast today to empower my prayers even further but have not managed to do so. I will try again next week to improve my fasting. I so need to discipline myself in this area. Please give me the graces to accomplish your will in my life. Thank you for all your many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for allowing me to live in this wonderful place and in this time. Thank you for my family and friends. Pour your blessings out upon them. Most of all, sweet Jesus, thank you for dying for me. Never let me become so caught up in the happenings of this day that I forget your sacrifice for me. I thank you and praise you, my King. I love you.
Hello my sweet child--
You are right to remember my blessings upon you and upon your country. Do not fear for yourself or for your country. Remember that I am in control--even if events do not happen as you think they should. Remember that you do not know all. I do. You need to concern yourself with removing the plank from your own eye. Be not dismayed by your seeming lack of progress. Just remember to seek my blessing upon all you do in each day's happenstance. I am with you, guiding and guarding you. I do have work for you that only you can accomplish and you must ready yourself for the tasks I give to you. Do as I ask of you each day and you will make progress. Do not try to carry tomorrow's burdens. We will carry those--you and I, yoked together, when tomorrow comes. For today, concentrate on the little tasks I give to you. Do those tasks well and give me thanks and praise for all is well. I have already won the victory. Do not forget that. All is very well indeed.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Trusting in God

Monday, October 20, 2008
The Long View
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Contemplating conflicts
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Terrible Times
The photo on today's entry was taken last month when my husband and I decided to take a quick float trip after work. We barely had time to get the trip in and it was a lovely day. I love this photo of the sun peeking around the trees as it sinks toward the western horizon.
I give you thanks, my Lord Jesus for all the gifts you have bestowed upon me. I ask your forgiveness for all the times I fail you and pray that you will help me to overcome all my faults and failings.
Please bless this world and particularly my country as we face these troubled times. Do not abandon us, Lord, to lies and deceit and do not let liars and cheaters dominate the world or our country. I fear that you are going to allow us to be ruled by someone who is lying and cheating to get into the White House and who has no fear of the Lord..indeed may even consider himself to be Lord. I wonder if you will allow this because of the excesses we have permitted to prevail in our society and especially in light of our willingness to sanction infanticide by abortion?? Please have mercy on us Lord and do not allow us to be ruled by The One. Please allow only pro-life candidates to win this election, turning it into an upset of divine proportions.
I trust you , though, Lord because I know that whatever you allow is for our good, ultimately. When I was pondering this earlier, I remembered that Mary had to suffer the horrible loss of her Son in order for us to gain a Savior and that the Son had to suffer the loss of God--temporarily in order to redeem us. What appears to be loss in our view may be only the way in which you are bringing about our salvation. I do love you Lord and thank you for everything.
Speak to me Lord, that I might write your words.
Dear child,
Terrible times are coming to your country and to the world. Be not dismayed that this is happening. Know that what happens is my will and that it is ultimately for the good of the world and my children. But, this has been foretold by the prophets and by my scriptures. Mankind has abandoned me and permitted terrible things to take place...things that are sanctioned in the name of "choice." Do not think that I have abandoned my children for I have not done so, but terrible persecution is coming for all who proclaim my Name. Still, do not fear for I am with you and will guide you in what I want you to do. Listen to my voice and you shall live. Do not fear. All is well . I love you, my sweet one. Go in peace.
Friday, October 10, 2008
All is Well

Looking back on this photo from spring, I am reminded that winter is nearly upon us. We are expecting our first storm of the season this weekend and it should cover the mountains like the photo posted here.
We have had an extraordinarily beautiful fall--lovely calm days with no wind and nice temperatures--cold in the morning but warming later in the day. I love this time of year and hope to get out again before winter truly sets in. Usually we have a winter storm but then the weather resumes to fall conditions. I'll try to get some photos uploaded today and tomorrow showing the difference.
I am so thankful to live here and for all the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. We truly live in a remarkable country and I live in a remarkable section of this remarkable country. My prayers of late have been for the upcoming elections. I truly hope that candidates who support life win, from President of the U.S. all the way down to local city and town council candidates. Lord, I know you are so grieved by the destruction of innocent life---at all stages. How do we get people to see the correlation between the ills of society and abortion? How do I tell people that abortion--more than any other factor--is responsible for the degradation of our society? It is a root evil that must be stamped out in order for our country and indeed the world to survive.
On another note, I feel so foolish that I didn't realize I could post from my computer at the shop...I actually thought I had to post from my computer at home. So much for being computer literate. I need know to know how to do more stuff and hope to pick up on things again now that our summer business has slowed down.
Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful bounteous summer we had this year. My first of working with my husband. It is such a delight to be here and working for you and for him. I hope to do more for you as I learn to listen more carefully to the words you speak to my heart. Help me, Lord, to hear and to obey.
My precious child--
I have longed for this time we spend together and missed you this summer as you found your footing in your new environment. You are precious to me and I am delighted to bless you in this endeavor. I know you want to do more for me and I am guiding you in the way I would have you go. You must trust me in this regard. I know you feel as if it has been a long time since you have felt the ectasy of my touch on your spirit nerves and indeed you have been distracted. It is not that I do not wish this for you...I wish for all my children to feel the wonder of my presence as you have felt it.
I am telling you I long to shower my blessings and the fullness of life on you. I only wait for you to recognize it and then the delight will come as will the direction. Do not fear, my little one. You will get there and be there when I need you to be. You are progressing, albeit slowly.
Take each day and offer all to me, as you have been doing. Then wait for me to guide you. Trust your instincts as being from me. I am with you and will not lead you astray. I have much work for you to do. Be at peace and come, follow me.
Thank you, my Lord and my King for all you do for me. I will strive to do better in the things I know you are calling me to do. I am so grateful for all you have given me. I wish to know you better myself so that I may delight in sharing you with others.
Sweet one--
All is well. Do not fear. I am with you and guide your comings and goings. Be at peace, sure in the knowledge that I am with you and am guarding and guiding you. All is well. Believe it and rejoice in it. All is well.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Back again

Monday, June 02, 2008
Darts and Roses

Monday, May 19, 2008
Self Righteousness

I seem to be having conflicts with all of these people. It's the little things and to myself when I am pondering these things in my heart, I feel wonder if I am being self righteous and judgmental for no good purpose.
I offer my thoughts and impulses to you, my Lord and King. Please help me to discern my true motives and guide me in my future actions with these people.
I wrote the bishop asking that we get a new priest and he wrote me back a smack down letter. I got angry with my mother-in-law for always excluding her daughters-in-law and sons-in-law from family photos...only her children are allowed. I am also angry with her because she totally dissed my Christmas gift to her.
I am distressed with my friend for things she has always been...an alcoholic and a smoker and with her husband for being such a ninny about things while we together on our trip to Mexico.
So, how many of these things are important and how many of these things should I just let go and get on with correcting all the things wrong with myself? ALL of them, I know.
Yet, I stew on them and worry them like a dog worries a bone. I know the fault lies within myself and yet I continually seek to blame others for their failings (of living up to my expectations). The bishop, in his response to me, told me I was seeking a priest, "according to my own specifications." All I really asked for was someone else. We have run our course with the current one and I think we would all be better served if he was assigned someplace else, so I told the Bishop so. And then he told me to be glad I have a priest, any priest and if he moves the current pastor, he may not have anyone else to assign here. So, I guess I probably was specifying someone else. I truly am grateful for the priests you have given to us and for all the gifts they pass on to us from you, my Lord and my King. Help me to be more grateful even when I have a tough time getting along with whomever is assigned here. Help me to keep the faith and to overcome the things in myself that make me want to specify who is placed here.
Help me to love my mother-in-law for the person she is and to be thankful for the children she has raised and one of whom I love.
And help me to love my friend and her husband enough to survive our trip and its aftermath. I don't know what tripped my friend's crank, but by the time we returned to the states, he was a regular grouch and quite nasty. I don't know what we did to him, but I think we were all glad it was over.
Forgive me, my lord and my God for the selfishness displayed by me and help me to focus more on you and on loving these people as you love them.
My little one--
I love you so very much. Do you know how very much you mean to me? You mean the whole world to me and I love you and lived and died for you, so that you might join me in heaven. You are learning lessons here and try to be thankful for all of them. When you find yourself in a conflicting situation with someone, just try to give me thanks for that person and that they have come into your life for whatever the reason is....you may not know it, but I will. And once you have given thanks for them, try to find something about them which pleases you and in that way you can overcome your conflicting emotions. Do not worry, just keep at it and soon the reason for their presence in your life will be very clear.
Also, do not worry about the bishop and the priest. I know you thought you were doing my will in this matter and because I love you, I will identify myself with the letters and the outcome. Do not fear. You told the Bishop you trusted me, so do so and quit worrying about this. I will handle it and you remember to give thanks and praise for whatever the outcome is.
So, even though your concerns lately have been selfish, I know you are learning lessons that can be learned in no other way. Do not fear. Keep up with the schedule as I have outlined it to you and we will move forward.
My sweet child, I love you so much and want so much for you to manifest all the gifts I have given you and that you have not yet discovered. They are here....in the garden of your soul and I am the Master Gardener. Keep searching and you will find such treasures. You are precious to me. Believe that and act on it. Go in peace. I love you.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
The Angelic Being
It was a vivid dream and when I tried to focus it, by trying to re-direct my thoughts so that the angel poured grace also into my pastor, it didn't seem as bright nor as real. The angel was very real in the vision I beheld. It was beautiful.
Then at some point, a fiery ball hurtled toward earth, specifically the bishop and filled him with the Holy Spirit. It very much resembled a meteor but I thought of it immediately as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit which then lit the world with the love of God.
Lord, I don't know if I was merely dreaming or if you have granted to me visions of something more important. If I need to know more, I am confident you will enlighten me as I need it.
Thank you for your many blessings. Help me to love you more and to be more obedient to your wishes and will. I love you.
My little one--
I love you as well. You are starting to listen to the voice of my Spirit in and through all things. It is a marvelous gift and I willingly share it with you. You will learn how to interpret this dream and what I wish you to do with it. For now be content that you are aware of it and know I love you and guide you in all things. Do not fear the outcome of your letter to the bishop in regards to your pastor. I know you trust me in this as in all things. Continue to pray for your bishop and for your priest. All is well. I love you. Go in peace
Friday, May 02, 2008
Starting Over

Thank you so much for all the blessings you continually pour out upon me. Help me to discern your will more completely as I seek to live my life for you on a regular basis.
I have been on vacation in Mexico...the photo is a view from our cabana on the beach at Punte Allen, Quantana Roo, Mexico. We journeyed there with my lifelong friend, Karen and we had a great trip. Mike and Cy went fishing and Karen and I explored the peninsula and rested in the sun. It was a wonderful time for me. It was spiritually nourishing and I hope I imparted to Karen my love and devotion to you.
It was also a way to separate the old life from the new life. The day we left on vacation was the last day at a job I have held for 16 years. When we returned from vacation, I began my career as a business person, working with Mike in the business he began years ago. Up until now, I have worked for someone else, giving support to the business through the wages and benefits I earned outside of our business. Now, however, I have been inspired to take a leap of faith and work with Mike and for you, dear Lord.
I don't know how to describe it to you, but of course, you probably already know that I was unhappy in my job and felt I needed to change directions. I am much happier now and hope that I have the time to do what I feel you are calling me to do. That is write and evangelize through my written words. I hope that you will lead me in this endeavor and that it truly is your will for me. And to also work in my home and garden, making it a place where you can come and rest and be my guest. I know I need to do much to make it suitable for you and I pray that you will bless my efforts.
I offer my thoughts and prayers for EJ and for Lila, both of whom have been in my thoughts lately. I also offer to you my letter to the Bishop regarding Father Karl. I am content to let the matter rest in your hands, however, I did feel it was necessary to write. If I should not have done so, I pray that you can do damage control for everyone concerned.
I love you, my Lord and my friend. Help me to accomplish what you would have me accomplish. Help me to be more humble and more spiritual. In reading of the wonderful mystics who have loved you in the past, I pray for myself that I might have just a touch of the devotion that enabled them to accomplish great things in your name. I would so like to be a mystic for you, but in reading of their lives, know how very much I need to learn before I could ever be one. My faults and failings are so numerous. Nonetheless, I hope to be a saint and a mystic to boot, so that is my desire. If it be your will.
Thank you again for all your blessings. Help me to do what you are calling me to do this day and guide me in all my efforts.
Hello, my sweet child,
I am so delighted that you have once again begun writing. Your love of me and for me is a great delight to my heart. I see your desire to do good and I know of your love for me. I also know of your failings and faults, yet I say to you, All is well. You are mine and I am leading you and guiding you in all your efforts and endeavors. Be at peace and know I uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. You do indeed have much to learn and do, but the good news is that you have eternity to do it in. Think of it...you are now living in eternity and living with me in the home and garden of your soul. That is where the work needs to be done and it is where you will accomplish your deeds. Remember that always. The work is done in the heart and soul and that is where you will need to direct your efforts. Be at peace and know I help you and guide you in these efforts.
Know also that you are making many friends in the spirit world by your study of the saints. They are coming to love you as you seek to do my will. Learn all you can from these beloved friends of mine. Never fear. I am your God and your King. Living with me insures that all you do is inspired by me. You do have the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You are being led to develop those gifts for the benefit of many. Do not fear. When the time is right, those gifts and the fruits of those gifts will be made manifest. Until then, do your daily duty as you feel I am calling you to do.
One word more about Lila. I know your heart is troubled by the relationship you have with her and your feeling of not being loved. I say to you, continue to pray for her and for the repose of the soul of George. It is in this way that you will help her the most. Do not fear to voice your love of me and my desire to have them share in the love of all my children. Continue to pray for George's soul and that Lila may enter into the Kingdom before her passing. And do not repeat to anyone your hurt. Share that only with me and I will console you with my love and the love of my mother for you.
I have given you the inspiration to do your daily readings and this writing at night time, before retiring. It is a practice that will enable you to go to work in the busy season with a light heart and also with my blessings for your day. Of course, you need to begin the day with prayer but do most of your spiritual readings at night so that you can be up and out of here in a timely fashion.
Go in peace my child and know that your prayers are being answered in a most wonderful way. I love you.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Funny Face
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Easter joy
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Holy Saturday

From the Exulstet of the Roman Catholic Church: "This is the night when Christians everywhere washed clean of sin and freed from all defilement are restored to grace and grow together in holiness."
What a wonderful thought and what a wonderful God I have. Thank you my Lord and my King. Thank you for suffering the agonies of the cross, bearing the weight of my sins that I might be freed and washed clean in your blood. Thank you for all you do for me. Thank you and please allow me to repay you with my life and my love. Please allow me to renew my life in the cleansing waters of baptism and repentance. Help me, Lord Jesus to make the most of the time you have granted to me and to do as you will. I know my journey has been far from perfect and yet I offer it to you in the hopes that you will make of it something special and holy. I give it to you, sweet Lord.
I can not bear it on this most holy night that any of my children should be in sorrow. I have died and risen that you might have life and have it to the full. Claim all I have to give and go out and share it with all whom you meet. You have been redeemed. Take joy in this and do not fear. All is well. I love you so much. Rejoice. You are mine. I have claimed you with the price of my life.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
You have endured too much for me. I must become a better person by doing your will. I love you, my King. I love you.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Holy Thursday

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
In need of redemption