The sunsets this time of year are phenomenal. It seems as if every time I look out the window there is another breathtaking example of God talking to me.
I actually took several shots of this earlier and the colors weren't so vivid. I couldn't believe it when I looked again and it was even more stunning than the earlier shots---which now seem rather unexceptional.
Thank you Lord, for sharing such beauty with me during this time of reduced sunlight and cold temperatures.
Last winter, it seems as if all my photos were of white as it snowed and snowed and snowed. This year, at least, I have had so far numerous chances to photograph the beauty of the evening skies. Thank you.
Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and as I was pondering this feast day, it came to me....conception. That is when God considered Mary alive and a unique person. It was an answer to the skeptics who often point out that "no one knows when human life begins." Except you kept Mary free from original sin from the very beginning of her life...starting at the moment of conception. And this answer came to us many years before we had the technology to confirm that human life does indeed begin then. I cannot understand how people can look at a tiny infant in the womb and say it is not a human life. I just don't get it.
But I thank you, Lord, for this insight. You kept Mary free from sin from the moment of conception so she could become a worthy temple for your Son. Thank you for that.
As I was reading the Gospel, I also for the first time realized it was Mary's innocence that made her question, "How can this be possible for I have had no relations with a man?" She wasn't doubting...only asking because she didn't understand. The angel showed tenderness in responding to her query and Mary showed us all how to be disciples by responding as she did.
Thank you for the gift of Mary and Jesus, almighty Father.
Precious one--
Thank you for your obedience today. Thank you for listening to the still small voice that guides you. Practice listening to this voice so that I may always guide you as I guided you today. I love you and cherish you. You are protected and empowered by me. Do not fear. Go in peace. I love you.
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