Finding this photo--taken four years ago---is just like seeing a rainbow. The promise that I feel whenever I see a rainbow is so uplifting to my heart and soul. I realize once again, when contemplating the beauty of a rainbow, how God will never again abandon us to death and destruction.
That thought, my Lord and my King, is so comforting to me as I again think of the upcoming election. While I have been praying over and over again--since June--a novena for your will to be accomplished this election, I grow fearful when I read news of polls and of the super majority Democrats in Congress are expected to have. My prayers, as you know, have been for pro-life candidates at all levels--local, state, national--to win. If everything I read is true, then my prayers are naive. But I refuse to believe such prayers are hopeless.
After reading such discouraging items, I have to remind myself that you led Moses to the very brink of the Red Sea before parting it before him. You have saved me on more than one occasion at the very last minute. I also remind myself that the people touting this news are people who want Obama to win and who want liberals to control Congress.
Or at least, they think that is what they want. I suspect many are completely ignorant of what a Democratic majority in congress and the White House will mean to our American and Christian way of life. I think that the people who will be in positions of power after this election will abuse that power.
There is truth to the saying, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." I suspect that if one party controls all branches of our government that corruption will stink up this land.
The press doesn't realize how complicit in eroding our freedoms they have become. Truth is truth and unbiased is unbiased and press coverage of this election has been neither truthful nor unbiased.
I wonder if I should just stop reading all the "news" that so disturbs me.
Lord, forgive me for my failings and my faults. I wanted to fast today to empower my prayers even further but have not managed to do so. I will try again next week to improve my fasting. I so need to discipline myself in this area. Please give me the graces to accomplish your will in my life. Thank you for all your many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for allowing me to live in this wonderful place and in this time. Thank you for my family and friends. Pour your blessings out upon them. Most of all, sweet Jesus, thank you for dying for me. Never let me become so caught up in the happenings of this day that I forget your sacrifice for me. I thank you and praise you, my King. I love you.
Hello my sweet child--
You are right to remember my blessings upon you and upon your country. Do not fear for yourself or for your country. Remember that I am in control--even if events do not happen as you think they should. Remember that you do not know all. I do. You need to concern yourself with removing the plank from your own eye. Be not dismayed by your seeming lack of progress. Just remember to seek my blessing upon all you do in each day's happenstance. I am with you, guiding and guarding you. I do have work for you that only you can accomplish and you must ready yourself for the tasks I give to you. Do as I ask of you each day and you will make progress. Do not try to carry tomorrow's burdens. We will carry those--you and I, yoked together, when tomorrow comes. For today, concentrate on the little tasks I give to you. Do those tasks well and give me thanks and praise for all is well. I have already won the victory. Do not forget that. All is very well indeed.
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