Friday, May 16, 2014

God's Creation

Yesterday, my husband and I went hiking and found some antler sheds. We enjoy getting out and walking around the country looking for antlers.
One of my special joys is to take photos of the wildflowers we see on our outings. I am sharing one of these today.
Thank you, Lord, for your blessings today and every day. Amen. Alleluia.
Thank you for allowing me to live in such an amazing and awesome place.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


On Monday evening, I joined with the thousands of people who were praying that the black Mass scheduled to take place at Harvard University would not happen.
My sense of outrage when I first heard about this was intense. I asked others to join me in prayers to prevent the abuse of Our Lord called for in a black Mass.
I had prayed earlier in the day the Chaplet of Divine Mercy,  but also felt called to pray a rosary during the time of the scheduled abomination.
I had to park at the Presbyterian Church because the town had blocked off the street due to a water main break. I almost didn't go into the church to pray the Rosary because of the difficulty in getting to the church.
I felt strongly that I could focus better in church, though.
I wasn't sure which mysteries to pray so I prayed about that first. I had a strong sense that I should pray the Glorious Mysteries, so I did.
As I was praying, I received such a gift of joy and victory. I could feel Mary leading all the angels and saints and all of the people who had come together to stop this insulting "educational" piece. I felt like we were marching around the walls of Jericho singing songs of praise and thanksgiving.
When I went in, I wasn't sure what the world was coming to. When I came out, I knew that Christ had won the victory. It was awesome.
I found out later that the black Mass on Harvard had been canceled.
It allegedly was held at some restaurant, although the owner didn't claim to have knowledge of that happening.
Praise God for not allowing this desecration to happen as publicized. I pray that the desecration of our Lord in the Eucharist didn't happen at all.
Thank you, Mary, for leading us in this spiritual battle.
Thank you for calling me to be a spiritual warrior and for giving me the grace to do what you asked of me.
This photo is of the first wildflowers I have seen.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Heavy heart

Ah, Lord. Today my  son-in-law's mother died.
It was not something that was expected, although she had been hospitalized for a couple of weeks.
My granddaughter is heartbroken over the loss of her paternal grandmother. My son-in-law is also wounded by the loss and my daughter loved her mother- in-law as she loves me.
I was totally surprised by how fast she died.
Even though we  know that death comes to everyone, the hole it leaves in our hearts and souls when it happens is something for which there is no quick fix.
Each of us must grieve in our own way.
It is easier, I think, for those who have faith in Jesus Christ.
But, even for those who have no faith, or an undeveloped faith, the opening of heaven and the grace which poured forth upon all when Christ's death pierced the heart of heaven is a blessing for everyone.
Lord, please bless the family of my friend with comfort and consolation. Please save her soul.
Today's photo is of the first wildflowers I have seen this spring. In honor of my friend and fellow grandmother.