Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter joy

Oh, the exquisite wonderful joy of Easter. Knowing that Christ has won the victory is joy beyond belief. It is everything. I love the readings of this time... Acts, when the apostles learn that the power of the risen Lord is their power, granted to them as friends of Jesus.
To know that this power is mine also is wonderful. I need to go forth and proclaim Jesus as my Lord and tell stories about him and what he does for me and has done for me. How do I begin, my Lord? One of the meditations this week told me to go out and proclaim your victory to the birds and the flowers and everything. What should I say? How do I start? I know so little about how to proclaim you. I want to, though, and that is a big step for me, as you know, because I have always been terrified of the "E" word...evangelize.
It is not difficult to speak of one you love. When you are in love it is very easy to speak of the loved one to others. Each little act that you cherish, each feature that you adore become stories in themselves. This is how you evangelize. It is not difficult when you love. Do not fear. I am with you. Do not let your heart be troubled by anything, for I am your God and your captain. I am the guide for this portion of your life's journey and you will learn to share me and your love of me as we go along. For now, try to think of something that you love about me and work it into a story that you can share with someone. It will become easier once you try it. Do not fear, little one. You are mine and I love you. My power is indeed yours and I ask you to use it to the full. Go in peace and thank you for coming back to spend this time with me again.

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