Monday, October 20, 2008

The Long View

The View Outside My Door
looks like this. As I sit looking out upon this majestic scene, I spend a lot of time thinking about the upcoming election. I wonder how many people who think Obama is the answer to all the world's problems realize how deceitful the man and his campaign are?
He lies about documented events and facts. The press is unwilling to call him on it. What will therefore happen to this country? Will any of the people he has duped, including or especially the press, ever admit they should have done a better job of investigating his statements and his past. No one in the press has investigated his college years and even though Stanley Kurtz is writing fast and furious about Obama's years with the Annenberg Challenge, the mainstream media doesn't cover it. The only people who read it are people who are already willing to challenge Obama's "messiah" status so there are no inroads being made there.
Don't these people realize what will happen if this man is elected to the Presidency of the United States? Perhaps it is God's way of allowing us "our king" as he did in Old Testament times when they wanted a king and the Lord told them, no they really didn't, but they insisted. I think it's in Chronicles, but I am not sure of that. Anyway, is this what is happening here? God is allowing the American people a chance to have the leader they think will lead them to the "promised land" so they will finally realize that no, he isn't what he claimed to be? Is that the only way to get back to a moral America? Must we descend into the pit of immorality and slime that must accompany anyone who is willing to lie about any and everything to get elected before we can have a return to the values and morals that this great country was founded upon?
Or is this candidate the Anti-Christ of Revelation? Has he sold his soul to the devil so that he can institute his socialist policies on America and destroy our military might?
I have been praying and will try to fast as well for pro-life candidates to win the elections in this country, but I am afraid that God is going to allow the evil to run rampant so that we might eventually have a return to Him.
If these are the end times, then Obama fits the model for the Anti-Christ of Revelation. And if that is true, then things are going to get worse, much worse, before they get better. I will keep praying, Lord, that the cloud of deceit that Satan has blanketed the earth with will be dispersed so that people might see the truth. I hope such a vision will come before the election.
But, then I remember that you have already won the victory that counts and you are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. How I pity anyone who sets himself against you by claiming such titles for himself. Or in just not denying those acclamations from others.
Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Forgive us our sins and transgressions against you, the Father, the Spirit, your mother and all the angels and saints. Forgive us, Lord and make us whole.
As an aside, know my dear Lord that I did write the lady I was concerned about yesterday although I did not mail the letter. It was enough for me at this juncture to write it out and then to let it go, trusting you to take that concern of my heart and do with it what you will. If I need to send it, please let me know. I also trust you, Lord, with the outcome of the election. I keep worrying over it like a dog worries a bone, but deep in my heart, Lord, I love you and trust you.
My Beloved Child--
You are so precious to me and so beautiful. How I love you and cherish you. Know that my will prevails in spite of all human attempts to manipulate it. Do not fear, my child. Trust me and listen to me and do not be afraid. Whatever happens is my will and you will know what I ask of you when it is time for action. Keep listening so that you may know when to act and how to act. Fear not. All is well.

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