Friday, December 31, 2010

On the Cusp of a New Year, Dec. 31

"The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. To those who accepted him he gave the power to become the children of God" Jn 1:14a, 12a

A nice buck deer on my walking route
 Here it is, Lord, the end of the year. I have failed so often to live up to my expectations and I hope that you will forgive me for my failures. Please inspire me to greater accomplishments for your Glory. Help me to become a better person and a more obedient servant.
Guide me each day.
I give you thanks and praise for all the favors you have bestowed on me. Your goodness has preserved me until now. I offer you all my thoughts, all my words, all my actions, together will all the trials I may undergo today. Please animate them with your Divine Love that they might serve your greater glory. I make this morning offering in union with the Divine Intentions of our Lord Jesus Christ who offers himself daily in the sacrifice of the Mass and in union with Mary, his virgin Mother and our Mother. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

That is such a wonderful prayer, Lord. It's one I learned many years ago and I truly delight to give you each day. Sometimes I forget or do not take the time, and on those days, I generally suffer from the lack of preparation for our day's work. Give me work this day to do for you, My Lord and My King. 
Help me to do your will not only today but each day of the new year.

My Child,
Leave all your failures of the past year on the doorstep of the New Year. Do not carry the weight of those failures with you into the new year, but leave them with me, confident that I have dealt with each one of them. I have forgiven you for the failures and granted you the grace to carry on, despite the failure to do My Will always in all things. I love that you are inspired to do this and will grant you ever more and more grace to achieve your heart's desire. I am your heart's desire and I am delighted that you are pleased to recognize this, after many years of looking elsewhere for it. Go in peace, knowing that I love you and care for you. You are precious to me.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Day of Advent, 2010

Small cabin in wintry forest
"Salvation has to do with life overcoming death. It is a full life, not just cringing existence scrabbling bleakly among the rubble of fear and guilt.
This life is marked by freedom from enemies like bitterness, resentment, and past hurts. It is a life free from self love and self-centeredness. All this is yours because in his compassion, God has made his light to shine on you. And that is the light of Christ, who was born on Christmas Day."--The Word Among Us, Dec. 24 reflections

This is such a perfect answer to my woes of yesterday. I was being so selfish and self-centered, taking hurt where none was intended.
After I thought about it for awhile and went out and saw some people, I did email my son and tell him how wonderful I thought it that he had been blessed with so many generous and thoughtful gifts. It was kind of interesting because when I was out, I immediately began to feel better. I saw so many people and tried to smile and give them love in my heart, even though I didn't say it out loud. I did wish as many as possible a "Merry Christmas." So when I got back, I emailed my son and it was one-half snarky and one-half sincere. But at some point, the Lord took the snarkiness away and made it sincere.
It was as if He told me, "This is the best they can do." And I felt my bitterness and resentment just melt away. Thank you, Lord. That was a wonderful Christmas blessing. I eagerly await your coming.
Forgive my selfishness of yesterday and please pour out your many blessings on my son and his family; on all my kids and their families. Cleanse my heart of anything not pleasing to you so that it will be a fit dwelling place for You. Thank you, Lord.

You are overcoming those tendencies in you to take hurt or resentment or bitterness and let it ruin a very special time. Do away with all hurt in this matter. I love you beyond belief and will continue to love you. Open your heart to receive my many blessings and you will not be put to shame. You are precious to me and I love you very much. Pause today to remember my Coming.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gifts for the Lord, Advent, 2010

Inside looking out at the snow
Lift up your heads and see; your redemption is near at hand.--The responsorial Psalm from Today's readings

Last night I was upset because of the "lack of quality gifts" that we received from one of my sons. It's a very unChrist-like response to this season of loving and giving, I know.
For some reason, this son and his family always seem to take but never to least as generously as I think they should. So when I received the package of small gifts from his family, I was upset. They spend a lot of money on themselves and on their wants, but never seem to have any left over to share with their parents or siblings on my son's side of the family. I suspect the gifts given to his wife's side of the family are much better. So, I am feeling like not a lot of preparation went into their gift giving for our family.
It's not all about the gifts, I know that, and I was having so much trouble with this.I guess I still am having trouble with this, even though in the depths of my angst over this, the Lord gave me a very eye-opening and humbling view of my own paltry gifts to the Christ child.

At the beginning of Advent, I had told the Lord that I would make an effort to write daily, spending time in reflection and preparation of His coming. Well, I have obviously failed spectacularly at this and so my own gift to the Lord is as paltry and skimpy as the gifts given to us by our son and his family. There is a wonderful lesson in there for me, I know. I want to have the generosity of heart to accept the spirit of the gifts given by my son's family. The problem is that I don't think there was much spirit in it at all. I can say the same of my gift to the Lord, however. I am hoping against hope that the paltry offering I have for Him will somehow be transformed by Love into something wondrous and grand for Him, but before that can happen I need to find the gift of the spirit in my reaction to the gifts given by my son's family.
Yesterday, as I sat with my prayer partner in the church, I saw the Lord "scrubbing clean the dark places of my heart and soul in preparation for the coming of the Lord." That was before I opened the box of gifts from my son. Now I feel like I need another scrubbing.
Lord God, my King and my Savior, please forgive me these selfish feelings and bring me to the place where you want me to be...unselfish and giving and totally appreciative of all that You have done for us in sending Your beloved Son into the world that we might have life and have it to the full.
Lord, I just about blew it and sent my son a nasty email. Your angel stayed my hand, however, and encouraged me to send a more positive message instead. Thank you for that.
Also, please accept my paltry gift and grant me the grace to strive to give you my time in writing and reflection each day of the coming Christmas season, for starters. I'll try to make it better.
Lord, I do love you. Help me to love you more and much as you love me. Also, please bless my son and his family with the true spirit of Christmas.

Sweet Child,
We do love you so very much. That is one reason why we showed you how your gifts stacked up in comparison to your son's gifts. It is the spirit of giving that matters...not what is given. You did not have the right spirit until you sent the P.S. to your son. We will use that simple message to bless you and your son and his family with such love that your heart will be scrubbed clean and you will receive the Lord in your heart this Christmas. Go in peace, my love, and continue your preparations for Christmas. We love you.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Power of Love, Advent 2010

Rouse your power
And come to save us--Psalm 80:3

"It is Advent. He is coming, and we must be on the watch, learning anew how to use the power at the heart of the universe, the power of love. It is within us, awaiting to be roused." Fr. James Stephen Behrens, O.C.S.O.
Cabin hidden by snow covered trees

Yesterday I felt very strongly the power of love when I was so very disappointed in a friend. She had lied to me about something and I was hurt and angry and wrote an email expressing those feelings. Then the Lord took over and softened the blows I intended to strike against her, advising me to change a word here and there to make it more loving, less judgmental.
It was a very strong feeling. I heard His Voice recommending the changes in the letter, asking me to reflect His Love for her in the email.
I am easily hurt and tend to play the martyr when the occasion suits me and I have no doubt that I was doing the same when I initially wrote out my feelings. But then I asked the Lord for His input, asking him to help guide me in what I actually sent to my friend, making sure that His will was being done.
My friend had tried calling me several times and I let the answering machine take over. This is before she read the email and I think that she felt guilty about the lie before I even addressed it. She was almost desperate to contact me. I sent the email and then later returned her call, leaving a message because she was out.
When she did call back, she had not yet read my email or gotten my message...she was just trying again to establish contact with me. At first I wanted to be snotty towards her for payback to the way she had hurt me. But the Lord took over again and allowed me to be quiet. When my friend asked if I was angry, I told her I had sent an email laying out my thoughts and suggested she read it before we continue our conversation.
So she did and when she called me back she was contrite. Until she read my email she did not know that I knew she lied to me. I was at work when she called back, however, and couldn't talk.
So, we are going to get together today. I again pray for God's love to be in, with and through me as we discuss our friendship.
Bare teepee poles
This friend is a friend in Christ and He is the glue that holds our friendship together. If He is taken out of it, as she tried to do...ignoring Him and choosing the world instead of Him for a function we had planned to attend together, then there is probably no friendship. We have little in common but for Christ who makes us One in His love.

Lord, please guide me in my words and actions this day. Please let Your will be done in, with and through Christ.

I love you so very much. Rest in my love, ever confident that I will give you the words you need and the words your friend, our beloved friend, needs to hear. Do not hold self-pity or resentment or hurt in your heart. I have healed you. Go forth now to love your way though this day and know that I am with you, guiding and guarding your every step. Let's truly unleash the power of love in your life by loving our friend as truly as I love you.
Thank you Lord.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

A December Ride-About, Dec. 7, 2010

Today my husband and I took a Ride-About...something similar to a walk about, but its done in a pick up truck. We had a glorious day for our adventure and the first thing we spotted along the way was a group of antelope.
A herd of antelope were watching us, wary but not too spooked.
We continued along the way, taking this two track road or that two track road, but looking for the main road because the two tracks were not headed in the direction hubby wanted to travel. Nor me, once I realized that I was the official gate opener. But, eventually we came to a power line, which has a road running along side it and it took us to the road on which we wanted to be.
As we were traveling along, I asked my dear husband to stop so I could practice my photography skills and he was very generous in this regard, He stopped whenever I asked so I could snap photos of whatever intrigued me.
The first of my photos was taken of antelope. Those magnificent creatures that can run at 60 mph for a good while.
The sun, snow and color of the rock caught my eye.
The next thing of interest we came upon was this incredible rock formation. I think the brightly shining sun and the snow both contributed in making this rock formation an interesting photo.
Two cow elk and a calf crossing over a ridge
A herd of elk with interstate traffic and mountains in the background
So, on we went and we were treated to a wonderful view scape all day long. It was a delightful day...hardly any wind and the temperature was in the low 40s, so it was comfortable. We saw probably about 200 elk. Most of them were too far away to catch with my camera, but I did manage to get a few photos. Here's one of three elk just about to cross over the top of a ridge. They were definitely spooky. All of the elk we saw today were keeping a wary eye towards us...they evidently knew where the roads were and just how close we should get to them before they bolted. There's a late hunting season still on-going in this area.

On we went, driving up roads we knew would dead-end at the ridge line, but taking the road just to see what hidden treasures might be found. Amazingly, we saw no rabbits or coyotes out today and both of us thought we should have seen plenty of both those species, but no luck.
A golden eagle on the hunt
As we passed under another rock formation, we saw these two golden eagles come swooping in and are they incredible birds.
Come to think of it, maybe that's why there were no rabbits out. Ha.

On one of the roads we traveled up, we did manage to get over the top of the ridge line...just to get stuck in a huge snowdrift at the top. Hubby spent some time shoveling us out and I took photos of another group of elk. In this photo, you can see the interstate in the distance with trucks traveling along the route. In the distance, a range of mountains.
This eagle soared above me showing off his beautiful markings.
After getting us unstuck, we turned around and came back the way we came in, although hubby told me that if I wasn't there, he would have tried making it through the drift and continuing on along the way we were headed. He deferred to my strong desire not to have to walk anywhere, an event that has happened more than once since we've been married. It was a wise decision. We managed to get back through the snowdrift, albeit with chains on the front wheels and got back to the main road. We could have spent a lot more time traveling up different little two track roads but these roads had been frozen when we came in and as we headed back, it was apparent that they were turning rapidly into a muddy mess, so we opted for home.

It was a fantastic day spent with my husband, just traveling around the country side on a sunny winter Advent day. I thank God for such an opportunity to share in this magnificent creation with which He has blessed us.
What a wonderful Advent blessing you bestowed on me today, Lord. How can I repay you for all your goodness to me? How is it even possible to repay One who can create such beauty and magnificence? 
My child,
 Share what you know of me..yes. Take photos and tell the stories of my blessings. I long to shower such blessings on all humankind. Tell them to pause and enjoy such beauty. My blessings are there for all and I yearn for each soul. Praise me and share my love with all.

Friday, December 03, 2010

The Father's Generosity, Advent weekday, Friday, Dec. 3

Thank you, Lord, for the generosity this day of the bidders in the auction. My husband's donation brought in $875 and he was pleased. Overall, the donations of many people and organizations raised over $9,000 in donations.
Lord, this Advent day, I thank you for the gift of your Son. If we are generous, it is because we learned it from you, our generous Father, who went so far as to give him most precious and holy son, Jesus Christ. As we were talking tonight during the auction, I realized that there were some things I would with hold from auction because those things are precious to me. Yet, you did not with hold the most precious thing,,,your son. Help me to be as generous and loving as you, Lord, my God.
And please forgive me if I have hurt anyone by my opinionated self. Let me fix that Lord and come to know how to deal with disagreements in philosophy without hurting anyone.
Let me also be fearless as the two beggars in today's Gospel were fearless, following behind you, asking to be cured, regardless of what anyone thought or even of reprisals from you. Let me be as fearless in proclaiming your love as they were.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus on our parish grounds
Sweet Child of Mine,
I love you! I love YOU!! I am the Lord and God of the Universe and I LOVE YOU! Do not fear anything. You are my precious concern. All is well.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Advent Wreath

This advent wreath is from the web blog of  Curt Jester.

Take Refuge in the Lord: Advent, Dec. 2, 2010

Snowfall in Winter

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his mercy endures forever.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord 
than to trust in princes. -- from Psalm 118
Lord, I am trying to prepare for your coming but as usual, I don't seem to be making much progress. I am trying to focus on doing as you asked earlier and take you with me each day. i am also trying to remember to spend some time with you each morning before I go about my daily chores, and light my advent wreath to remind me of the season.
Please help me with my preparations so that you might feel welcome, in my home and in my heart when you come. Lord, I want to love you as much as you love me. Please show me how. Please teach me obedience and discipline. Help me to always focus on you.
Please forgive me for my past lapses and trespasses against those I love and those I do not love so much. Help me to see all as your children and to treat them as I would treat you.
Lord, like Mary, I give you my Yes! Yes! Yes!

Sweet Child of Mine,
I do love you so very much. Do not feat to love. Do not fear to do what I may ask of you. I am with you and I will give you whatever you need to gtet it done. Go forth bravely and rejoice for I am coming!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

St. Andrew, Advent 2010, day 3

"Brothers and Sisters: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10: 9,10
Shelter on the Island

Good Evening my Lord and my Savior,
I give you thanks and praise for all the blessings poured out on me this day. I especially thank you for St. Andrew, one of the Apostles who passed the Word down about Jesus. Because St. Andrew passed down his knowledge of You, I am able to be saved. St. Andrew also was the person who brought his brother, Simon Peter to You and saved him.
So thank you for the blessing of St. Andrew and all he did to share in Your Life and Glory.
Thank you  also for the blessing of catching the break in the water line before damage was done. As it was, we had a mess to clean up, but no real damage. Thank you, Lord for that.
It seems, Lord, that I accomplish so little these days. I want all my work to be done for you and I want to do great things for you, but I seem to barely get through my daily chores. How am I able to accomplish great things for you when I am just barely able to get through doing the things you have given me to do in my daily life? How can I do more for you?

My Child,
It is not great things I want done for me, it is your everyday things that I want done in, with and through me. I so cherished the small things in life when I lived on earth. Take joy in each thing you do and give it to me to be blessed in some way for someone and you are doing "great" things for me. You should read St. Therese's "Little Way" book someday. She loved me in all the little ways of her life and accomplished great things. So stop focusing on doing great things and take joy in doing the little things for me. You are precious to me and your everyday life is precious to me. Use it for me as I instruct you and let me deal with how "great" it is.  

Monday, November 29, 2010

Preparing for the Lord, Day 2 of Advent 2010

Snow covered hills
"Lord our God, help us to prepare for the coming of Christ your son."  --from the opening prayer for today's Mass

I struggled today about saying "yes" to the Lord when he asked me to wake from my slumber and write. I do not know why...I do love the Lord with all my heart and soul and mind.
But an examination of my conscience tells me that while I profess to love him so, my actions and deeds speak of another love...self love and doing what I want to do, not what the Lord wants me to do.
Yet, how can I do this? How can I not want to love the Lord with my whole being...He who has given me everything and loves me so very much that He has taken my sins upon himself? 
I long to be more like Mary, who immediately answered yes to her Lord, in the face of not knowing how His will would be accomplished or where His will would take her...she still answered yes. Inconvenience? It didn't matter as much as doing her Lord's will. What a remarkable woman Mary was then and remains to this day.
"Am I loving and serving God with my whole heart , mind and strength? Where can I do better? Am I waiting and watching for the Lord through daily prayer?" 
Am I watching and waiting for the Lord through daily prayer? Sadly, no. My prayer life lately has been short and a series of orders I seem to give our Lord. Can you imagine the hubris of such an action? Why would I do such a thing? I have really gotten away from my prayer habits. It seemed to be so rote and without sincerity of late...although that is not the Lord's fault, but my own. How can I make it more meaningful? By simply sitting in the Lord's presence for a time and soaking in his loving care of me! What a beautiful way to prepare for his Coming.
Lord, please help me to better love you with all my strength and to rejoice in my daily preparations for your Coming amongst us. Help me to truly show my love for you by better obedience to your commands, by not choosing to "do it later" a bad habit that I have developed lately.
Lord, I do love you. Help me to know how to live in that love on a daily basis.

My Child,
Long have I waited  for your coming unto Me, in simplicity and sincerity as you have done this day...after I prodded you. You can be so much and do so much in, with and through me. Try to be more like Mary, my Mother and your Mother, who didn't worry about the details of saying Yes. She knew the details would be handled by Me, if she chose to accept the role I gave her. So must you learn that the details are not for you to work out...I have already worked them out. You must prepare your Heart,  first of all, to receive me fully. Then you will have no more concern about how the details will be worked out. Sweet one, I love you and do have a plan for you...believe it and rejoice in it. It is a most wonderful Christmas gift. Prepare your Heart.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Advent, 2010

A new beginning. That is what this Advent brings this year. A year of new hopes and new struggles, but hope filled as I continue my journey towards the Lord.
I am grateful for the blessings of this past year and hope to make progress, sadly lacking in so many areas of my life. But, with the dawn of a new Christian year and a new time of beginning, I hope to overcome the faults within myself and strive ever more to become the person God would have me be.
Thank you, Lord for the opportunities you have given me to serve you. Please continue to bless my efforts with your love, forgiveness and guidance as we go forth into this new year.