Thursday, October 22, 2009

Opposing Viewpoints

Looking South From Cedar Breaks
It has been so wonderful these past few days to see my prayers so wonderfully answered.
While the two big requests I have made on this blog are still in the works, I have seen answers to other prayers that have been uttered for my family and friends.
Thank you so much, my dear Lord, for the answers to those prayers. You have re-affirmed to me the value of using your name in my prayer requests.
I have been reading blog postings and other news sites--probably too much--and I am thoroughly amazed at how differently people view the world.
There is definitely a left-right viewpoint chasm that is utterly astounding to me.
An event can take place and both sides view it so completely different that you would think they are viewing a different event.
This "war" between President Obama and Fox News is one example. Fox News doesn't fall into lockstep with everything the President puts out there and so they are "picking on him" and giving him unfair coverage. Lefty bloggers applaud the decision to try to alienate Fox (even though it is a definite attack on Freedom of the Press) without seeing that other networks simply swallow the administration's explanation for all of the various things that Fox considers worth questioning.
For a long time, I thought that if we could just explain to them the viewpoint from the right, they might have their eyes opened. But that is not the case. They truly believe everything that the left news networks put out there and consider that anything not appearing on those networks is simply not worth reporting on. Examples are the Van Jones resignation and the ACORN scandal.
But they don't. They vehemently claim that Fox news is "lying" and "making stories up".
Meanwhile, Obama and his Chicago thugs go on with their plans to destroy the American way of life.
What is happening here, Lord? How can there be such disparate views of the same event? Who is lying and who is reporting things accurately? My inclinations are to trust Fox News but it is possible I am the one being duped as are many on the right.
But then, I also look at other parts of the left wing agenda...abortion on demand, the acceptability of homosexual relations, etc. and think that I am not the one being duped here. Please guide me in my thoughts and actions to know what is your Truth and what you want me to do about this. I spend a lot of time reading about it, so I should do something with all this knowledge, shouldn't I?
My sweet child--
I know you are concerned about these issues. The resolution of these issues is yet to be determined but you can play a part in the outcome. I long ago began letting people who were bent on their own destruction have their way. I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of sins but I also have given people free will. Their choice in these deliberately choose to believe those things which go against the Word of their choice, their free will. We cannot force them into believing in my goodness and care for them. But when people try to force others into something against Me and my Will, then you know you have the full Power of God at your disposal. You cannot force them to believe in me, but they cannot force you to do or say things you know to be wrong. It's complicated, my child. It is the reason why so many people question My existence and why a good God would allow so much evil to exist. But we must allow them their free will even as we pray for their eyes to be opened. You know now what Jesus was talking about when He marveled that I had hidden things from the learned and revealed them to the childlike.
The people who believe in their own superiority and knowledge have been blinded while I am revealing my will to open hearts and minds. Of course they will attack you and anyone who believes as you do and tries to expose their hidden agendas. Do not fear. They cannot harm you and your way of life, as you put it, is hidden with me. You are a child of my kingdom and that is how you must think. Pray still for an end to abortion and other issues that I inspire you to pray about. All is well. I am the God of the Universe and I have things under control, even if you cannot as yet see it.
Thank you, my God. I again ask in the name of Jesus that you arrange to have the charges of trespassing dropped against those protesters of abortion at Notre Dame. I also ask in the name of Jesus that only your will in the proposed health care legislation be actually passed. I thank you Lord. I also ask in the name of Jesus that the eyes of many will be opened regarding President Obama and his administration because of this "hit" he has put on Fox News. I thank you Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Conduit for Power

Fall Foliage on one of my favorite Walks

I am not ashamed of the Gospel. It is the power of God. (Romans 1:16)

Good Morning my Lord--
I thank you so much for this day you have given me. Help me to know and do your will as I go through the day. I am so much in love with you, my Lord and God. You have given me the best gift of all--that of having my heart burn with love for you.
In meditating on today's scripture reading from Romans, I realize that you have called me to be a conduit of your power. It is much the same as an electrical wire bringing power into my home...merely some way for the power to be put to practical use. And that is what you have called me to be--a way for your power to be put to good and practical use.
Although, I must admit, you take a greater chance with me than with an electrical wire...I have the uncanny ability to mess up--not obey you right away or ignore you when you ask me to do something.
Forgive me for those times, my Lord. And thank you so much for this opportunity to put your power to good use. Let me take no pride in it..after all I am merely the conduit, not the power. But I do thrill at the thought of being such a conduit and working your will in my little corner of your world.
God, Almighty Father,
Today I ask that the current "health insurance reform" legislation making its way through our Congress be done in accordance with your will or not at all. Lord, it seems there are so many things wrong with these bills, including funding abortions and creating the opportunity for small minded bureaucrats to push senior citizens and others who may not be "perfect" into a choice of death. Therefore, dear God, in the name of Jesus Christ, your son and my savior, I ask that you stop this legislation if it does not follow your will or that it is properly amended to take out any portions that are offensive to you. Thank you, my God. Amen.
My sweet child--
You are learning to use the power of my name and I thank you for it. I know that you are fearful of asking too much or things that are too big. Fear not, you are being guided by my Spirit and you are listening to me as we begin each day. There is much to accomplish in this world and I need simple conduits for my power. Where they are is of no importance...only that they do what I ask. You are precious to me and I love you so much. There is nothing for you to fear...I will be with you in all things.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Name of Christ

Wood Duck Mingling with Mallards

For the past couple of nights, I have had the strange experience of being awake, yet in a dream-like state where I find myself in a situation that could be terrifying.
In both "dreams" I have been on an airplane when terrorists attempt to take over the flight.
Instead of that happening, however, I stand up and invoke the Name of Jesus Christ, commanding the terrorists to put down their weapons and hostages.
They obey, simply because they must obey any commands issued "in the name of Jesus Christ."
And the plane continues on its journey with the terrorists now bound and awaiting arrest at the landing airport. At all times, I am calm and even joyful..never afraid.
So, the question has become...why do I not use "the name of Jesus Christ" more prayerfully and more powerfully? There is no reason for not using was given to all who claim to be followers.
Jesus told the apostles at the Last Supper that "anything you ask the Father in my name, He will do" and most prayers are offered "in the name of Jesus." Yet for me, this has become rote and not a powerful answer to my problems.
I find I must begin using the name of Jesus more and with specific requests so that I can know the prayer has worked.
It sounds all rather clinical and like I am testing the Lord. I do not mean it to sound thus, it's just that it's such an eye-opener for me, that I have had the power to effect change in circumstances and have not used it effectively. I guess, the test is more a test of me and my faith than it is of the Lord or his promises.
So, today I begin with my prayer requests.
Dear Father, I give you thanks and praise for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. I know I have failed to do your will and for this I seek your forgiveness and mercy. I may be dreaming but I am so excited to learn I do have power and it is in the power of the name of Jesus Christ that I can effect change in circumstances. So, today I begin. Father, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, your only Son and my Savior, that charges of trespassing be dropped against the people who were arrested at Notre Dame University in protest of President Obama's stand on abortion. I thank you Father, for this solution to only one of the problems of the world and I hope that as I get better at using this tool you have given to all your children that I may become wiser and wiser in its use. I know, dear Lord, that you would not have us become tempted to abuse this wonderful gift, so I need all the wisdom you can provide as I seek to do your will. I thank you Father, in the name of Jesus, and I am so looking forward to taking this journey with you. Amen.
My sweet one, You are indeed precious to me. I know you long to help me save my world and that you have been seeking some way in which to become effective. I have given this gift to all my children and "in the name of Jesus" is used many times throughout the day and night as my children seek answers to their prayers. For many, as for you up until your 'dreams' the phrase has become rote and just a phrase to end a prayer. They say it without expecting that their prayers will be answered, they say it without having the faith that what they ask for will be given by me. So, yes, I am giving you a new perspective on it, a new lens in which to view your prayer requests. I am somewhat amused by your "testing" and have also given you the knowledge that it is yourself you are testing and not me. My sweet child. Your prayer has been answered. All is well. I am delighted you have begun posting again. We will make a formidable team. Go in peace. I love you.