Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday Gift, March 20

Items God gifted to me today
Oh my Lord. I thank you so much for everything that you have given to me. Especially the gift of these items as we were out walking today.
This photo does not even show the fullness of your gift to me as I found two more antlers as I continued on the way. I will make a better display and photograph it as my return gift to you.
As I was walking, I was concerned about a number of things...mostly that I might be wrong in my interpretation of recent events and my FB posting on the subject. I do not wish to seem arrogant in knowledge, nor do I wish to allow falsehoods to go unremarked upon. So, I was concerned until I started receiving all the gifts you were giving me. You are always so very generous and I trust that you will allow me to speak only truth when I write or blog. I ask that you humble me gently if I need humbling, and I know that I do need humbling. But, I took your gifts as a sign that Your favor rests with me in my basic inclinations.
I do trust in you, my Lord and God and also my Mother, Holy Spirit and all the angels and saints with whom I have established a friendship. I trust that all of you will guide me to the Father and allow me to only do His will.
Forgive me my failures this day, dear Lord and guide me toward an ever deepening love of you and all that must come to be. I do consecrate myself this day to the loving Immaculate Heart of Mary and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and I ask to always be a part of those beautiful places.
I know I have many failings and even though I try, I still fall short on the offerings I am trying to give You this Lent.
Thank you, Lord.
Don't be afraid, my child, to embrace the cross. It is also a gift to you, though you may not see the wonder of it until you are down the road. Nevertheless, the cross is a gift and has always been a gift. To allow you to share in it means that you will also receive the gift of the resurrection and that is a might gift. You also want to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit and you will find much joy in all that transpires. Do not fear. All is well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Conversion Story

Spectacular Sunset
My conversion to the Catholic Faith began when I was just out of high school. I had returned to the small town where I grew up and spent the summer working there while living with my grandfather. Most of my friends had gone off to college but I was "too smart" to go that route (a decision I have regretted) and so I just stayed behind and worked.
The small town is mainly a summer tourist town so once my friends had gone their separate ways, I was left pretty much alone. Of course my grandpa was there but for a young adult teen, this was not much company.
Anyway, each day I would walk to was only several blocks to the resort where I was one of the remaining waitresses left to handle the fall crowds. My journey happened to take me past the Catholic church, which brought back memories.
Because I had grown up in this town, I was familiar with the church. In my younger years...about third grade or so, when the church was newly finished, my best friend and I had explored the inside of the building, climbing the stairs to the choir loft and testing out the kneelers. We didn't have kneelers at the protestant church we both attended so that was something new. While we were in there, we decided to start our own club because the "cool girls" of the third grade wouldn't let us in their club. We called it L.O.G. and it had eventually had four members. L.O.G. stood for "Lambs of God" and one of the requirements of membership was to pledge ourselves to God. I have no idea whether the name of our club was heretical or blasphemous but it was a good name, we thought, and so our club began. At this point, I should mention that the church then was a mission church and there was no resident priest to shoo us out. The doors were kept open for the faithful so we essentially had free run of the place.
We used the vacant choir loft for our clubhouse and did pray while we were having our meetings. Eventually we moved our club house to another location. I have always wondered if that first encounter with God, whom we could visibly see hanging on the cross from the vantage of our clubhouse, was when I was first "converted" or called to the Catholic faith.
The Lord has called me to live in a place where the elk roam
 Back to walking to and from work, being alone with virtually no social life and one day as I was walking, my heart started pounding fiercely when I approached the church. In hindsight, I believe this was the Lord standing at the door of my heart and knocking to be let inside. This happened several times and so one day I went inside. It was just like I remembered, except the communion rails had been removed. I looked around and knew my heart had been pounding for a reason. The church at this time was a regular parish church so I knocked on the door of the rectory, introduced myself to the kindly priest who answered the door and thus began my instruction in the Catholic faith.
Father didn't make me wait to prepare at the time of Easter, but instead began my instruction right there. He gave me books to read and told me to come back the next week. So we journeyed through the history and teachings of Catholicism until the day came when he asked me if I wanted to join the church.
I was going to start a vocational school in January, so if I was going to be baptized, it had to be then.
Even though I was afraid and still didn't know all the answers, I said yes. I found a sponsor and "took the plunge."
I am somewhat shy and when Father told me I would be baptized during Mass, I was terrified. The small church didn't have a place where you could literally take a plunge (full immersion baptism) so he had me hold my head over the baptismal fount used for infant baptisms.
I remember the day and being one of pure joy. It has remained a source of joy to me to walk into that same little church, because my husband and I now make our home in the same small town, and recall the day when God called me to be one of his own little "lambs of God."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spurred on by Love 3-13-2011

Snow covered mountains
I read a powerful statement today. Jesus is speaking to me and He says, "In the desert, the thought of you spurred me on."  --Catholic Spiritual Direction

The meditation, of course, is from the biblical story of Jesus' 40 days in the desert, a journey each of us makes during the season of Lent as well. The rest of the comment is that we are not to fear. It is because thoughts of us in our weakness and fears spurred Jesus on to victory over the temptations unleashed by Satan for our sakes. For me. For you.
How Jesus managed to fast for 40 days is something that is beyond my comprehension as I struggle to fast for a partial day. I really need to work on my fasting.
But isn't it a wonderful thought that Jesus is thinking of me when he is struggling to get through his fast? That as I think of him to help me conquer temptation, He also thought of me when he was in the desert. It is a humbling thought but also one of great love and inspires me to greater love and intimacy with my Lord.
More snow covered mountains
Thank you so very much my Lord and Master. Thank you for this day and for all the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Each day I am trying to draw closer to you and to perfect myself so that I might linger in your love more and more. I so long to do your will in all things. Please help me Lord as I go through this Lenten season to see with your eyes and hear with your ears. To use my hands for your work.

Good evening my sweet child,
I so long for you to love me as I have loved you. In seeking Love, you will find the whole of heaven's host awaiting you and in finding that, know that we are all one in this wonderful endeavor we call Life. Each of us is joined by powerful bonds of love to the other and so create an indomitable force. Make no mistake, the victory has been won, but there are trials and tribulations ahead for all, believer and non-believer. You must stay close to me and be wrapped within the mantle of our heavenly mother to be shielded from the devastation. Focus more on me each day and you will find that you know what you need to know when you need to know it and not before. do not fear, my child, I will not abandon you. I love you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Quake and Tsunami 3.11.2011

An owl looks downward
An earthquake registering 8.9 on the Richter scale pummeled Japan today and was followed by an even more devastating tsunami.

Lord, have mercy on the Japanese people as they struggle through this crisis.I offer up my sufferings and sacrifices for these people, Lord. Please use anything I can give to bless them and help them through this time of trouble.
My little worries and concerns don't seem so important at all in the light of such tragedy.
Lord, what is going on in this world these days? Are all these weather tragedies and massive animal deaths signs that the angels have been unleased to committ the havoc prophesied in the Book of Revelation?

Are you speaking through nature to call us all to a greater repentance and deeper communion with you? The folks in some places would attribute all these signs to global warming. My mind tends to think that it is a global warning to us, not warming. Repent, repent it seems to say in ever more devastating circumstances that we are faced with as a people.
Speak to me Lord.

My sweet one,
Keep your focus on Jesus, my Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Look towards becoming prepared for whatever may happen and be not afraid. I am with you in all and through all. You need not worry about what is going on in the world. Take care of what is going on in your corner of the world and pray for those afflicted by such devastating acts of nature. Yes, pray for them and offer sacrifices for their souls. Work on perfecting yourself. Be at peace, little one.  I love you.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ash Wednesday, 2011

Snow blankets the frozen ground on Ash Wednesday
A scripture reading I was led to this day:
"This, rather is the fasting that I wish: releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke; Setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke; Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them and not turning your back on your own." Isaiah 58: 6-7

In fasting today, I had breakfast and then fasted throughout the day until after Mass and receiving ashes. Then I had dinner and didn't follow my fast any further than that. I essentially pigged out for most of the evening after dinner.
In seeking the Lord, I find that His version of fasting is different than I have been thinking, although I do think most people consider fasting to mean refraining from eating. The Lord's version of fasting, however, at least according to Isaiah is to do good deeds and help those in need.
My thoughts also turn this day to a conflict I am having with a fellow parishioner. We are having a disagreement regarding our web site. I do agree with her that we need guidelines for the site but it was how she presented it to me that is bothering me. She had been given a private revelation about something and I posted it on the site, which I should not have done. However, her reasoning was that because the private revelation might not stand up to ecclesiastical scrutiny, we should take it down and I agree. But then, she said that we could share the private revelation among members of our group and I am having a problem with that attitude.
I don't know if it is because she called me on the first posting or because it feels like we are sneaking around the Bishop and the authority of the Church. So, I need guidance with that, my Lord and King. What would you have me do, in true charitable fashion as You would handle the situation?

My sweet child,
It is good to have you back again in this medium. I truly delight in using your hands to spread my word. We must be ever more vigilant about it, though. So often, people looking for some type of inspiration or guidance may come seeking the wisdom I have for you and if you do not post it according to my will and schedule, it may not be here in time to benefit them. I know this has always been your problem...that is taking the time to post regularly, but please do try to post regularly. The discipline you are undertaking with the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother will help you with this, I hope. I, too, will help you as you continue to strive to daily work for me.
As for your other concern of this day, rest assured it is already handled. When you give to me each day and then trust that I have accepted your life, the things you have already done in this matter are what I would do, indeed are what I have done to remedy the situation. The particular ministry you have accepted, that of web site administrator is one you gave me before you even began. I will deal with issues you are concerned about. Trust me...I love you and am helping you in this ministry. Be not afraid of what may come, because I am with you in all. Go in peace, my sweet one. I love you.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

A New Year Dawns, Jan. 1, 2011

Snow blankets the earth
The new year begins and I want to try to take time each day to offer up my talents to the Lord.
As I seek for ways in which to serve the Lord, perhaps I can also polish the skills as a writer and a photographer that He has blessed me with to share His love with and for others. I want to become a more regular writer, even though as I begin the New Year I will be traveling and will not have ready access to a computer or the internet.

This is usually a Holy Day of Obligation, a special feast day of Mary, Mother of God. What wonderful faith she had throughout the life of her Son. Her wonderful life continues in heaven as she to tries to turn our focus from ourselves and our fleeting time on this planet to her Son and His eternal love for each and every one of us.

Lord, please bless me with whatever I need this day to share your love with those whom I meet on my day's journey. Help me to know what words to use and to use those words wisely and calmly, reflecting your beauty and your understanding. When I am tempted to use words as weapons, help me to pause before lashing out at someone and to view that person and their situation with your love and compassion. Thank you for the life you have given me. Help me use it for Your Glory. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

"I hold the year in My Hands--in trust for you. But I shall guide you one day at a time. Leave the rest with Me. You must not anticipate the gift by fears or thoughts of the days ahead. And for each day, I shall supply the wisdom and the strength."--Jan. 1 reading from the book "God Calling."