From the Exulstet of the Roman Catholic Church: "This is the night when Christians everywhere washed clean of sin and freed from all defilement are restored to grace and grow together in holiness."
What a wonderful thought and what a wonderful God I have. Thank you my Lord and my King. Thank you for suffering the agonies of the cross, bearing the weight of my sins that I might be freed and washed clean in your blood. Thank you for all you do for me. Thank you and please allow me to repay you with my life and my love. Please allow me to renew my life in the cleansing waters of baptism and repentance. Help me, Lord Jesus to make the most of the time you have granted to me and to do as you will. I know my journey has been far from perfect and yet I offer it to you in the hopes that you will make of it something special and holy. I give it to you, sweet Lord.
I can not bear it on this most holy night that any of my children should be in sorrow. I have died and risen that you might have life and have it to the full. Claim all I have to give and go out and share it with all whom you meet. You have been redeemed. Take joy in this and do not fear. All is well. I love you so much. Rejoice. You are mine. I have claimed you with the price of my life.
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