Sunday, October 12, 2008

Terrible Times

The photo on today's entry was taken last month when my husband and I decided to take a quick float trip after work. We barely had time to get the trip in and it was a lovely day. I love this photo of the sun peeking around the trees as it sinks toward the western horizon.

I give you thanks, my Lord Jesus for all the gifts you have bestowed upon me. I ask your forgiveness for all the times I fail you and pray that you will help me to overcome all my faults and failings.

Please bless this world and particularly my country as we face these troubled times. Do not abandon us, Lord, to lies and deceit and do not let liars and cheaters dominate the world or our country. I fear that you are going to allow us to be ruled by someone who is lying and cheating to get into the White House and who has no fear of the Lord..indeed may even consider himself to be Lord. I wonder if you will allow this because of the excesses we have permitted to prevail in our society and especially in light of our willingness to sanction infanticide by abortion?? Please have mercy on us Lord and do not allow us to be ruled by The One. Please allow only pro-life candidates to win this election, turning it into an upset of divine proportions.

I trust you , though, Lord because I know that whatever you allow is for our good, ultimately. When I was pondering this earlier, I remembered that Mary had to suffer the horrible loss of her Son in order for us to gain a Savior and that the Son had to suffer the loss of God--temporarily in order to redeem us. What appears to be loss in our view may be only the way in which you are bringing about our salvation. I do love you Lord and thank you for everything.

Speak to me Lord, that I might write your words.

Dear child,

Terrible times are coming to your country and to the world. Be not dismayed that this is happening. Know that what happens is my will and that it is ultimately for the good of the world and my children. But, this has been foretold by the prophets and by my scriptures. Mankind has abandoned me and permitted terrible things to take place...things that are sanctioned in the name of "choice." Do not think that I have abandoned my children for I have not done so, but terrible persecution is coming for all who proclaim my Name. Still, do not fear for I am with you and will guide you in what I want you to do. Listen to my voice and you shall live. Do not fear. All is well . I love you, my sweet one. Go in peace.

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