Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Angelic Being

I had the most difficult time sleeping last night. During the restless time when I was partly asleep and partly awake, I saw a beautiful white being, brilliant white and she was pouring grace into the heart of my bishop. It was a nourishment that he slowly drank in, until his whole being was filled with the grace of God, from whom the angel got the decanter of grace being poured out.
It was a vivid dream and when I tried to focus it, by trying to re-direct my thoughts so that the angel poured grace also into my pastor, it didn't seem as bright nor as real. The angel was very real in the vision I beheld. It was beautiful.
Then at some point, a fiery ball hurtled toward earth, specifically the bishop and filled him with the Holy Spirit. It very much resembled a meteor but I thought of it immediately as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit which then lit the world with the love of God.
Lord, I don't know if I was merely dreaming or if you have granted to me visions of something more important. If I need to know more, I am confident you will enlighten me as I need it.
Thank you for your many blessings. Help me to love you more and to be more obedient to your wishes and will. I love you.

My little one--
I love you as well. You are starting to listen to the voice of my Spirit in and through all things. It is a marvelous gift and I willingly share it with you. You will learn how to interpret this dream and what I wish you to do with it. For now be content that you are aware of it and know I love you and guide you in all things. Do not fear the outcome of your letter to the bishop in regards to your pastor. I know you trust me in this as in all things. Continue to pray for your bishop and for your priest. All is well. I love you. Go in peace

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