that my husband took several years ago while he was on patrol during hunting season. He gets to see shots like this all the time and so it's no wonder he likes to pull this duty. He patrols private property for an area ranch so keep trespassers out.
I'm still praying about the upcoming election and hoping that by some miracle of miracles, the pro-life candidates can win over the pro-choice candidates.
I know you have already won the victory over death, dear Lord, but I'm not sure what that means in terms of today...I mean will we have to undergo the trials expressed so eloquently in Revelation? Is the pro-choice candidate as evil as I am thinking he is or is he the answer to the problems we have in this day and age? I know he is no messiah but so many think of him as such and he does nothing to dispel this. That is why I think him to be evil...because I think it is part of a plan to elect himself and I fear for the future of our country. Can people really be so blind that they choose this candidate who has no experience and is so wishy-washy all the time and so arrogant.
Oh Lord, please help us. Have mercy on us and forgive us our tepidity. I sometimes wonder if this tepidity is the reason you will allow us to suffer the consequences of a pro-choice administration. Lord, have mercy.
My child--
You need not fear the outcome of the election. Know that I have all in my hands and that includes the leadership of your country. My will can be accomplished by whomever is in control of the government. Do you not believe that the hearts of kings are in my control? Know that, believe that and trust in me. Even if what you believe about this candidate is true and I do not say either way, know that my will is being accomplished. You have nothing to fear. Still, keep praying your rosary. My mother is fighting against this sin and crime and she wills as many people as possible to pray for the souls of the unborn.
Be at peace my sweet child. You are loved and cherished.
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