We had been out riding our ATVs when we viewed this sunset...looking east. When we looked west, it was magnificent also, but I was struck by the resounding beauty of the sky in this picture, a muted reflection of the brighter sunset to the west.
Thank you, my Lord and God, for the beauty of this day and for all the days you have given me. I thank you for sending your son to save us from our sins and I eagerly await the day when He will come among us once again.
Lord, I am so sorry for my attitude of the past weekend. I once again slipped into such a mental state of anguish over past grievances. I felt once again vulnerable and abused. But, you, my Lord and God have saved me from those things and I am sorry to have fallen back into that trap so easily.
Lord, you take such wonderful care of me that I cannot thank you enough or praise you enough. You have been such a Savior to me and I am often so ungrateful for all you have done. Lord, I thank you and praise you for saving me once again. Help me to focus on you entirely and not to fall into the traps being set for me. I can see now how you were guiding me and how you allowed me to do as I thought I should. I thank you for the wording...it was perfect and I thank you for the circumstances where I could go in and do what I had said I would do. I thank you also for allowing me to know of the timing of the card sending. I sent it before the call but I don't know if my friend knows that.
Lord, I am not sure why it had to be resurrected at this point in time unless it was because it was something that was hurting me so badly I could not go forward until I got it out. And the reaction since that time has been as it has always been...a rejection of me and my gifts as if I were a leper.
Lord, I am so thankful not to have to do that again. I pray for the strength to leave it here, leave it alone and continue on my journey with you. Guide me, Lord and lead me where you would have me go.
Oh my dear one--
It was so precious to me to have you run to me as a small child, jumping into my arms for protection and solace. I love to have you with me in that regard. I love it when you are vulnerable and come to me for protection. I am delighted with the classy way that you have handled this whole thing. Do not fear what might be said of you...we know that the person to whom this is directed will speak ill of you. Do not fear what others to whom he speaks will think or say of you, for they are blinded by his accusations. Go forward, pouring your love and forgiveness into the situation, as I pour it into you. Yes, all the blessings for this person have been procured by your prayers for him. You indeed have been a true friend to him while he has not been a friend to you. Do not fear. Whatever friendship you need can be found in me. I am delighted that you now feel you can pass on the blessings and not anguish over what might have been. Trust me. You are where I would have you be and I look forward to guiding you to further adventures. You are mine and I will deal with any injustices against you. You go on loving and laughing and fear nothing or no one. I uphold you and defend you and cherish you. Go in peace, sweet one. I love you.
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