Thank you so much for all the blessings you continually pour out upon me. Help me to discern your will more completely as I seek to live my life for you on a regular basis.
I have been on vacation in Mexico...the photo is a view from our cabana on the beach at Punte Allen, Quantana Roo, Mexico. We journeyed there with my lifelong friend, Karen and we had a great trip. Mike and Cy went fishing and Karen and I explored the peninsula and rested in the sun. It was a wonderful time for me. It was spiritually nourishing and I hope I imparted to Karen my love and devotion to you.
It was also a way to separate the old life from the new life. The day we left on vacation was the last day at a job I have held for 16 years. When we returned from vacation, I began my career as a business person, working with Mike in the business he began years ago. Up until now, I have worked for someone else, giving support to the business through the wages and benefits I earned outside of our business. Now, however, I have been inspired to take a leap of faith and work with Mike and for you, dear Lord.
I don't know how to describe it to you, but of course, you probably already know that I was unhappy in my job and felt I needed to change directions. I am much happier now and hope that I have the time to do what I feel you are calling me to do. That is write and evangelize through my written words. I hope that you will lead me in this endeavor and that it truly is your will for me. And to also work in my home and garden, making it a place where you can come and rest and be my guest. I know I need to do much to make it suitable for you and I pray that you will bless my efforts.
I offer my thoughts and prayers for EJ and for Lila, both of whom have been in my thoughts lately. I also offer to you my letter to the Bishop regarding Father Karl. I am content to let the matter rest in your hands, however, I did feel it was necessary to write. If I should not have done so, I pray that you can do damage control for everyone concerned.
I love you, my Lord and my friend. Help me to accomplish what you would have me accomplish. Help me to be more humble and more spiritual. In reading of the wonderful mystics who have loved you in the past, I pray for myself that I might have just a touch of the devotion that enabled them to accomplish great things in your name. I would so like to be a mystic for you, but in reading of their lives, know how very much I need to learn before I could ever be one. My faults and failings are so numerous. Nonetheless, I hope to be a saint and a mystic to boot, so that is my desire. If it be your will.
Thank you again for all your blessings. Help me to do what you are calling me to do this day and guide me in all my efforts.
Hello, my sweet child,
I am so delighted that you have once again begun writing. Your love of me and for me is a great delight to my heart. I see your desire to do good and I know of your love for me. I also know of your failings and faults, yet I say to you, All is well. You are mine and I am leading you and guiding you in all your efforts and endeavors. Be at peace and know I uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. You do indeed have much to learn and do, but the good news is that you have eternity to do it in. Think of it...you are now living in eternity and living with me in the home and garden of your soul. That is where the work needs to be done and it is where you will accomplish your deeds. Remember that always. The work is done in the heart and soul and that is where you will need to direct your efforts. Be at peace and know I help you and guide you in these efforts.
Know also that you are making many friends in the spirit world by your study of the saints. They are coming to love you as you seek to do my will. Learn all you can from these beloved friends of mine. Never fear. I am your God and your King. Living with me insures that all you do is inspired by me. You do have the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You are being led to develop those gifts for the benefit of many. Do not fear. When the time is right, those gifts and the fruits of those gifts will be made manifest. Until then, do your daily duty as you feel I am calling you to do.
One word more about Lila. I know your heart is troubled by the relationship you have with her and your feeling of not being loved. I say to you, continue to pray for her and for the repose of the soul of George. It is in this way that you will help her the most. Do not fear to voice your love of me and my desire to have them share in the love of all my children. Continue to pray for George's soul and that Lila may enter into the Kingdom before her passing. And do not repeat to anyone your hurt. Share that only with me and I will console you with my love and the love of my mother for you.
I have given you the inspiration to do your daily readings and this writing at night time, before retiring. It is a practice that will enable you to go to work in the busy season with a light heart and also with my blessings for your day. Of course, you need to begin the day with prayer but do most of your spiritual readings at night so that you can be up and out of here in a timely fashion.
Go in peace my child and know that your prayers are being answered in a most wonderful way. I love you.
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