I think we have a flock of resident geese here. These and more can be seen swimming in the river daily.
I have allowed myself once again to be taken in by a friend--well, I am a friend to this person but the gift of friendship isn't returned.
I feel like sobbing my heart out right now because I allowed myself to forgive the person for past hurts and thought we might move forward. But the friendship is one-sided and not appreciated, so I have to once again try to rid myself of all the doubts and anguishes caused by my desire for a friendship.
I apparently misunderstood your will in this matter, my God and King. I thought the impulse to send a birthday card to this friend was from you, especially when I received a call from the person asking me to do a favor.
Why did I let this happen again? How can I get over the urge to bawl my eyes out over this and most assuredly, how can I get past it again?
Can you help me out here, Lord? Please heal me once again from the hurts caused by this person and help me figure out how to move past it once and for all.
Oh dear child--
I love you beyond measure. I hurt with you in this matter. I know how you wanted to reach some type of reconciliation with the person or at least have this person recognize your friendship. It is a valuable gift, even if it goes unrecognized. Do not despair over this and do not let it set you back. You know I have given you a new mission and a new work. Focus on that and on me.
You sent a card that opened yourself up again, that allowed you to be vulnerable and you feel this gift was shunned. You do not know this. You think perhaps the person has been ridiculing you for your vulnerability. You do not know this, either.
All deeds done in love, as this deed was done, will not go unrewarded. Do not be afraid to open yourself up to the pains of loving and of friendship. People will disappoint you and this person has shown that he will disappoint you more than most. Keep on loving and keep on being a friend to these people. I stand at the door of their hearts knocking and I am so often shunned and hurt, as you were. Do not let it stop you. Give the matter to me and allow my loving power to serve as a balm for the hurts you suffer.
My God, I thank you for the peace you have rendered unto my soul over this matter. I now know why the timing of the whole thing happened as it did--it was a gift to me so that I would know. The favor was asked before the person knew I had sent a card, so it had nothing to do with what I said in the card. And the idea to send the card did come from you--as you told me it did when I sent it. Not for him, but for me, that I might put closure to the terrible pain I had suffered. All the rest of my silly imaginings are just that--my silly imaginings. I do thank you once again, though, that I am out of there. How much more I appreciate that this day than even when I asked for it last year. I love you and hope to become a powerful tool in your hand, to do good. I might sometimes get hurt, but I will trust you to take care of those hurts and not expect too much from anybody.
Dear sweet one--
When you suffer for those you love, you are taking up your cross and following me. I did ask you to send the card. You did as I asked and did so lovingly and prayerfully. If there is mocking and ridiculing because of this, I will deal with it. You have done as I asked you. The outcome is in my hands. If you must suffer ridicule and mocking for the sake of love and friendship or for me, am I asking too much of you?
Stand tall and go forward boldly. You follow a victorious Christ. There is nothing for you to fear. I am at your side and I do guide you and guard you. You are precious to me, little one. Be at peace. I love you.
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