I seem to be having conflicts with all of these people. It's the little things and to myself when I am pondering these things in my heart, I feel wonder if I am being self righteous and judgmental for no good purpose.
I offer my thoughts and impulses to you, my Lord and King. Please help me to discern my true motives and guide me in my future actions with these people.
I wrote the bishop asking that we get a new priest and he wrote me back a smack down letter. I got angry with my mother-in-law for always excluding her daughters-in-law and sons-in-law from family photos...only her children are allowed. I am also angry with her because she totally dissed my Christmas gift to her.
I am distressed with my friend for things she has always been...an alcoholic and a smoker and with her husband for being such a ninny about things while we together on our trip to Mexico.
So, how many of these things are important and how many of these things should I just let go and get on with correcting all the things wrong with myself? ALL of them, I know.
Yet, I stew on them and worry them like a dog worries a bone. I know the fault lies within myself and yet I continually seek to blame others for their failings (of living up to my expectations). The bishop, in his response to me, told me I was seeking a priest, "according to my own specifications." All I really asked for was someone else. We have run our course with the current one and I think we would all be better served if he was assigned someplace else, so I told the Bishop so. And then he told me to be glad I have a priest, any priest and if he moves the current pastor, he may not have anyone else to assign here. So, I guess I probably was specifying someone else. I truly am grateful for the priests you have given to us and for all the gifts they pass on to us from you, my Lord and my King. Help me to be more grateful even when I have a tough time getting along with whomever is assigned here. Help me to keep the faith and to overcome the things in myself that make me want to specify who is placed here.
Help me to love my mother-in-law for the person she is and to be thankful for the children she has raised and one of whom I love.
And help me to love my friend and her husband enough to survive our trip and its aftermath. I don't know what tripped my friend's crank, but by the time we returned to the states, he was a regular grouch and quite nasty. I don't know what we did to him, but I think we were all glad it was over.
Forgive me, my lord and my God for the selfishness displayed by me and help me to focus more on you and on loving these people as you love them.
My little one--
I love you so very much. Do you know how very much you mean to me? You mean the whole world to me and I love you and lived and died for you, so that you might join me in heaven. You are learning lessons here and try to be thankful for all of them. When you find yourself in a conflicting situation with someone, just try to give me thanks for that person and that they have come into your life for whatever the reason is....you may not know it, but I will. And once you have given thanks for them, try to find something about them which pleases you and in that way you can overcome your conflicting emotions. Do not worry, just keep at it and soon the reason for their presence in your life will be very clear.
Also, do not worry about the bishop and the priest. I know you thought you were doing my will in this matter and because I love you, I will identify myself with the letters and the outcome. Do not fear. You told the Bishop you trusted me, so do so and quit worrying about this. I will handle it and you remember to give thanks and praise for whatever the outcome is.
So, even though your concerns lately have been selfish, I know you are learning lessons that can be learned in no other way. Do not fear. Keep up with the schedule as I have outlined it to you and we will move forward.
My sweet child, I love you so much and want so much for you to manifest all the gifts I have given you and that you have not yet discovered. They are here....in the garden of your soul and I am the Master Gardener. Keep searching and you will find such treasures. You are precious to me. Believe that and act on it. Go in peace. I love you.
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