It is quite rare that St. Patrick's Day falls within Holy Week and it won't happen again for quite some time.
St. Patrick used the clover to explain the Trinity to his people. Three leaves, one clover. It was a truly inspired explanation of something that must have seemed very unexplainable at the time.
Thank you for St. Patrick and all the blessings we have through him.
Also today when meditating on the words of "God Calling," I realized that my worries about insurance are needless. So many of your saints did not have insurance except for you. I really feel that you are calling me to fore go insurance and trust in you. If that is not the case, then please let me know. It is almost as big a leap as it was to let go of my job.
And now they are discontinuing one of the services I had offered through my job and the boss's girlfriend is going to be coming in to help out. So, we move on to another era.
I do not regret the job nor moving on at this time. So many of the things happening in the world tell me that big things are afoot and that you want me available to do your will and work. Thank you for that.
My sweet child--
Trust me in all and you will experience such joy. Do not fear..I will care for you and you will have no regrets. This is my will for you and I can scarcely brook the delay. I long for the day when you will be mine. Continue to work on your class and do not be afraid. I am with you and for you and in you and you are mine. All is well. Focus on me and the cross this week. It is for you that this has happened. Do you believe this? You must claim this stupendous truth as your own. Go in peace. I love you.
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