"Live as children of light, for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth. Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord." --Ephesians 5:9-10.
I know that when I am obedient and do what I think God is calling me to do, He is pleased. I know that when I forgive those who hurt me, He is pleased. I know that when I sacrifice myself or my desires so that another might benefit, He is pleased.
Similarly, when I do not do what He wants me to do, He is not pleased. And when I am selfish or self-centered or stingy, he is not pleased.
I have found that when I do the most generous and thoughtful things that I can do and not been boastful of so doing, then I please the Lord. I do not think it is difficult to do these things. I wish I could say that I am better at it, though. Even though it is not difficult, it is sometimes easier to do what I think will benefit me and to ignore the small still voice that is the Lord, telling me to do otherwise.
Thank you, my Lord for the gifts you have given me today and the sacrifices you have made on my behalf. Help me to emulate you and to do so cheerfully and with a heart that is full of joy and gladness at being able to do your will.
Please bless my efforts on behalf of my husband. Help me to be a blessing to our business and to do what will benefit it the most. Thank you for the opportunity to work there.
Help me to do whatever pleases you and to know what that is. Help me to be a child of the light and to live as such. I love you.
And I love you, my sweet one. Thank you for trying to do this one more time, even after the internet was down. You could have chosen to go to bed without trying once again. I am blessing your efforts in this endeavor so mightily. Do not be afraid to let go of the things you have previously clung to. Cling to me that you might have life. You are mine and I will care for you with all the tenderness of a mother hen guarding her brood. Rejoice and rejoice again.
Go in peace. I love you.
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