"So the Lord relented in the punishment he had threatened to inflict on his people."--Exodus 32:14.
One of the mediations I read today regarding this passage noted that someone had made a wise observation while commenting on the passage from Jonah. It stated that as long as the Lord is faithful to His people, he doesn't have to be faithful to His word. In other words, God can change his mind from what he as said he will do, as long as the reason he changes it is for the good of his people. As in the case of the Ninevites, who repented and so God did not punish them as he had threatened to do. In the passage above, God relents because his servant Moses asks him to relent. Even though the people have not yet repented of the evil they have chosen, Moses believes that God will not allow others to believe the worst of God as they would if the people of God are punished in the desert.
Another reading noted how God answers the prayers of His people. If we believe enough, He will save nations. If we have faith but the size of a mustard seed, He will answer us. And so today I began in earnest and in faithful accpetance of God's word for the salvation of my nation--the land of my birth.
I do not know what will happen in this upcoming election, but I believe that our nation is on the brink of destruction. And the destruction will come from within. Already forces keep reducing the freedoms we have. Laws are being made that strip the freedoms of each of us and while people think these laws are for "our own good," they don't realize the box they are building around us. They are becoming like the Pharisees who obeyed the letter of the law, but not the Spirit. Each time we pass a new law banning something or the other, we strip our human souls of the God given right to choose, the free will. I guess. I hope my thinking is right here. I will keep praying for our nation. I hope my thoughts as to what our nation needs coincide with what God wants or that He will enlighten me if they do not.
Thank you Lord for all your many blessings. Forgive me for my failures this day and help me to do better tomorrow. I love you.
You are precious to me. I cherish you and love you so dearly. You are indeed walking the path I have chosen for you, even if you do not yet see it. I know you walk the path of faith and for that I love you and give you your heart' s desire. Be at peace and know that I am God and can do all things. There is nothing to fear and your prayers will be answered in a most beautiful and wonderful way. Go in peace. I love you.
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