Good Evening my Lord and my friend--
Thank you so much for the day and taking such good care of us. Thank you for all the blessings you continue to pour out on me and my family.
Please help me to know what I am to do for you. Thank you for the grace to write this evening, even though I thought about not doing so. I have managed to write, only with the benefit of your grace and Holy Spirit, all days of this Lent.
Our journey is nearing its conclusion. Palm Sunday is next week..and the journey draws to its conclusion. I hope I am learning something this Lent, my King. I hope I am learning what it is you wish me to learn.
Thank you so very much for everything. Help me to do better at the things you wish me to do better at.
Bless Mel tonight and also Brandon, and Tyler and Heather and Sam. Bless also my son Paul. Bless them with whatever you need them to have. I love you. Please bless all my children and grandchildren.
Sweet one--
All is well indeed. You have managed to journey this far with me. Pray for the strength to contine on to the end, and especially to be with me at the end. I pray for your faithfulness and that you may have the strength to go the distance with me. Your faithfulness in this matter will bring you such blessings and unlooked for benefits. It is worth doing, so keep to the course laid out and we will arrive at the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection and you shall indeed know the joy of The Risen Lord.
Go in peace and know that I love you and that all is well.
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