The geese have returned to the area and are looking for a safe place to nest, but are finding that difficult due to the ice that still clogs the waterways. Usually, the water surrounds the islands where they nest, preventing the foxes and coyotes from preying upon the nests. This year, spring is late in coming and the geese seem startled and confused about where to go and what to do. Walking across the ice as they are, they look more like penguins than geese.
Today is the beginning of Holy Week, Passion Sunday. This is the day the Lord entered triumphantly into the City of Jerusalem, an entry that was marked on this day by palms and shouts of Hosanna and joy. Later in the week, the sounds are not so pleasant and he will be killed in the city which today honors him. How fickle is the human heart. So many of those who today honor him will join in the mockery later in the week. It must have broken his heart to be so rejected. And not for himself, but for those rejecting him. They have no idea what they are doing as they scorn and mock the itinerant preacher from Galilee.
But today is a day for celebrating and it must have warmed the hearts of those who truly love Jesus to see him honored as they believe he should be. After all, they didn't know, or rather, didn't believe that he would indeed be crucified later in the week. As his disciples, they must also have basked in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Lord, I pray that I may never turn from loving and cherishing and worshipping you to denying you and mocking you. Please grant me the grace to not hurt you in that manner.
My sweet child, love of my heart. Do not fear. I have saved you and will continue to save you. You think I save you from others, but I actually save you from yourself and from the times when you may mock me or reject me. I gave granted you the graces to love me and appreciate all I do for you. You are precious to me and I do not wish to lose you. You do sometimes disappoint me and do not do as I ask but you are learning to do as I command. I am delighted that you have begun reading of my mystics. You are drawn to this because it is part of my vision for you. Do not fear. I lead my loved ones gently into the places where I would have them be. It is not something you need fear, but I want you to understand fully what it is I am asking of you, so continue to study the lives of these friends of mine. Pray much this week that you may fully experience my passion and the joy of my Resurrection. Go in peace and know that I love you and am guiding you and guarding you. You are precious to me. This week is for you.
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