The Lord lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down."--Psalm 145:3-4
I am so comforted by the thought that God will raise up all who are bowed down and lifts up all who are falling. For I feel like today that describes me perfectly.
I do so little for the Lord who has done so much for me. I sometimes cannot even do the little I tell him I will do for him.
I do not know what to think about this, Lord but pray that you will indeed lift me up.
I find it interesting that you have called both my prayer partner and myself to re-consider the paths we were on and to step back from our current jobs and so something different. I feel as if you are planning something for us and need us to be more available to you. I thank you for this and also for the grace to respond to you.
Just be, sweet one. Do not fear to just be who you are. You are mine and I will indeed lift you up if you fall and raise you up when you are bowed down. That is all you need to know. You are mine. You have pledged your life to me. I will do what you cannot. Just be. I love you. Go in peace.
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