Saturday, March 01, 2008


Reruns! You spent the evening watching reruns on television when you could have spent the time with me or at the very least doing the computer class you need to take.
Think about this.
You spent the evening watching reruns of movies you have already seen. Is this what you consider to be living life to the full? Is this what you consider important? Or even desirable?
Is this what you consider to be obedience, for I know you heard me whisper to you that you needed to do some class work.
Or you can always spend the time with me, your God, your King, your friend. Your savior.
Ponder what you are doing with your life and then ponder some more what you wish to do with your time. I am disappointed in you, my sweet one. Very disappointed.
Yet, I love you still and forgive you.
Try to do better tomorrow. But do consider how what you choose to do with your life reflects on me. And what you want to be.
Do you want television reruns to be the statement of your life?
Do not judge of other addicts when you so purposefully ignore your own addiction. Stop to consider this the next time you seek to pray for an alcoholic or drug addict.

Oh my Lord and my God. Help me. Forgive me for I do not want this to be the statment of my life. Forgive me and strengthen me to forego this pastime. Help me to more obedient to your word each moment of my life. I am sorry my Lord and God. Forgive me.

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