A journal detailing my conversations with Jesus Christ, our walk through this life, stories about my life and whatever else inspires me. Copyright 2021 by JC Everson
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Easter joy
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Holy Saturday

From the Exulstet of the Roman Catholic Church: "This is the night when Christians everywhere washed clean of sin and freed from all defilement are restored to grace and grow together in holiness."
What a wonderful thought and what a wonderful God I have. Thank you my Lord and my King. Thank you for suffering the agonies of the cross, bearing the weight of my sins that I might be freed and washed clean in your blood. Thank you for all you do for me. Thank you and please allow me to repay you with my life and my love. Please allow me to renew my life in the cleansing waters of baptism and repentance. Help me, Lord Jesus to make the most of the time you have granted to me and to do as you will. I know my journey has been far from perfect and yet I offer it to you in the hopes that you will make of it something special and holy. I give it to you, sweet Lord.
I can not bear it on this most holy night that any of my children should be in sorrow. I have died and risen that you might have life and have it to the full. Claim all I have to give and go out and share it with all whom you meet. You have been redeemed. Take joy in this and do not fear. All is well. I love you so much. Rejoice. You are mine. I have claimed you with the price of my life.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
You have endured too much for me. I must become a better person by doing your will. I love you, my King. I love you.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Holy Thursday

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
In need of redemption

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
To Soar

I do not know why I am having so much trouble here at the end when I should be doing so much better than at the beginning, but I seem to be going backwards. I am having as much trouble doing as I should now as I had right at the beginning of the journey.
Forgive me, Lord. Help me to do better and to finish the race. I love you and cherish you. I want to do what you want and need me to do.
I want to be one of your mystics and do wonderful things for you. The more I read of them, the more I wonder if I shall ever have what it takes, but the more I am inspired to really soar.
Thank you for everything you have done and for everything you do for me. You are so wonderful to me. I love you so much. Please allow me to be one of your servants and show me what I need to do to become one. Help me, Lord, to get over my addiction to television.
I do love you--more than you can possible know or imagine. I do forgive you, but I also grow weary of the same of complaints. How I long for you to become all you can be, all I have in mind for you. I cannot help you if you will not hear me and you will not hear me if the television is drowning out my voice. Learn to listen to my voice above all and to desire it above all and we can make some progress. Remember that this is Holy Week. Try to make it holy. I love you. Go in peace. I forgive you.
Monday, March 17, 2008
St.Patrick's Day
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Holy Week Begins

The geese have returned to the area and are looking for a safe place to nest, but are finding that difficult due to the ice that still clogs the waterways. Usually, the water surrounds the islands where they nest, preventing the foxes and coyotes from preying upon the nests. This year, spring is late in coming and the geese seem startled and confused about where to go and what to do. Walking across the ice as they are, they look more like penguins than geese.
Today is the beginning of Holy Week, Passion Sunday. This is the day the Lord entered triumphantly into the City of Jerusalem, an entry that was marked on this day by palms and shouts of Hosanna and joy. Later in the week, the sounds are not so pleasant and he will be killed in the city which today honors him. How fickle is the human heart. So many of those who today honor him will join in the mockery later in the week. It must have broken his heart to be so rejected. And not for himself, but for those rejecting him. They have no idea what they are doing as they scorn and mock the itinerant preacher from Galilee.
But today is a day for celebrating and it must have warmed the hearts of those who truly love Jesus to see him honored as they believe he should be. After all, they didn't know, or rather, didn't believe that he would indeed be crucified later in the week. As his disciples, they must also have basked in his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Lord, I pray that I may never turn from loving and cherishing and worshipping you to denying you and mocking you. Please grant me the grace to not hurt you in that manner.
My sweet child, love of my heart. Do not fear. I have saved you and will continue to save you. You think I save you from others, but I actually save you from yourself and from the times when you may mock me or reject me. I gave granted you the graces to love me and appreciate all I do for you. You are precious to me and I do not wish to lose you. You do sometimes disappoint me and do not do as I ask but you are learning to do as I command. I am delighted that you have begun reading of my mystics. You are drawn to this because it is part of my vision for you. Do not fear. I lead my loved ones gently into the places where I would have them be. It is not something you need fear, but I want you to understand fully what it is I am asking of you, so continue to study the lives of these friends of mine. Pray much this week that you may fully experience my passion and the joy of my Resurrection. Go in peace and know that I love you and am guiding you and guarding you. You are precious to me. This week is for you.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Victory of the Palm

Friday, March 14, 2008
My Fortress

O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer."--Psalm 18:1
I do love you so mightily, my King. How good it is to read these scriptures which try to describe how wonderful it is to love you. This psalm continues later with the words, "In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears."
I know that you have many times heard my cry of distress and I thank you for answering me, even when my fears seemed pitiful to you, you still answered me, calming me and giving me strength to go on. I know there have been times when I could not have continued on if not for you.
It bothered me greatly today when the wife of a co-worker came into the store and was passing around a card to others, but not to me. It is times like this that I am so glad I am leaving this place of work. They are so often so cruel to me without thinking anything of it.
Help me Lord to forbear their cruelty and to forgive them when they so exclude me.
I do love you so, my child. Do not fear this seeming cruelty. You have been thinking that perhaps it has something to do with you and perhaps you are correct. Do not judge what you do not know. Turn the matter over to me, trusting that I will indeed hear and answer your distress. You are not alone in anything, my sweet child, ever. I will always be with you to help you and guide you. Do not be afraid of this or any other thing that may distress you. Call upon me and allow me to love you and show my love for you.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Another day of small offerings
There are times when all you can do is what you have just done. I know you can do better and will grant you the grace to do so. Go in peace. You are forgiven and loved.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The White Hot Furnace

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Impatient with the Journey

Monday, March 10, 2008
Casting the First Stone

Sunday, March 09, 2008
Little Offerings
But, I do offer them to you in thanksgiving and with praise. You are so wonderful to have given me this life and these people to share it with and for that I thank you and praise you and offer my love and worship.
Let me be the person you want me to be. I am yours and will do as you will in all things. Forgive me for not having more to offer this night as all I want to do is go back to sleep.
And yet you did rouse yourself and come and offer me what little you did have. You are learning to be the person I would have you be. Think on that and give me praise for that as well. You are becoming the person I would have you be, I repeat. Go in peace and know that I love and cherish you.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Counting my blessings

Friday, March 07, 2008
Family Visits
I love you and I hope to show it by my love for them. Bless our interactions this weekend.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
A Relenting God

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Just Be

The Lord lifts up all who are falling and raises up all who are bowed down."--Psalm 145:3-4
I am so comforted by the thought that God will raise up all who are bowed down and lifts up all who are falling. For I feel like today that describes me perfectly.
I do so little for the Lord who has done so much for me. I sometimes cannot even do the little I tell him I will do for him.
I do not know what to think about this, Lord but pray that you will indeed lift me up.
I find it interesting that you have called both my prayer partner and myself to re-consider the paths we were on and to step back from our current jobs and so something different. I feel as if you are planning something for us and need us to be more available to you. I thank you for this and also for the grace to respond to you.
Just be, sweet one. Do not fear to just be who you are. You are mine and I will indeed lift you up if you fall and raise you up when you are bowed down. That is all you need to know. You are mine. You have pledged your life to me. I will do what you cannot. Just be. I love you. Go in peace.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
The River of God

I am so delighted to spend this time with you, My Lord and My God. My heart sings when I think of coming here to visit with you. How I love you and thank you and praise you. You alone are good and you alone are the God of the Universe. I adore you and love you with all my heart.
I have always felt drawn to water and streams of water. You can tell by looking that my photographs often are of water. You are the River of Life to me and I am drawn to you. There is no life without water and there is no life without the water you provide, water which will quench the thirst of the soul and make it grow. I read with interest today's reading from Ezekiel. The river begins only ankle deep but by the time they are done measuring, it is a river which cannot be crossed except by swimming it. And the trees which grow on it are nourished by its stream always. So must it be with you, my Lord. You nourish us always, causing us to grow in all seasons. We might now be aware of the growth, for it is slow as during the slow hibernation of winter, but growth is there, just beneath the surface waiting for the warm sun of spring to bring it into full bloom.
I also mention this day the stairstep climb that brings us closer and closer to you. I mention it because you commanded me to earlier today. I feel as if I climb the stairs seeking nearness to you and that I ever climb and climb and often cannot see that I am making progress in drawing nearer to you. I hope the progress is real and that I cannot determine it at this point in my life, but real nonetheless.
I am the River of Life and all who drink from me will never thirst. You are most blessed because you do drink from this river and because you do draw near to me, even though you may not see it. I see it and rejoice that you are drawing nearer and nearer to me. Keep on climbing for you will see God. You are much loved. Be not afraid. I am with you, guiding you and guarding you. All is well. Go in peace, my sweet one. I love you.
Monday, March 03, 2008
A Monday

Sunday, March 02, 2008
A Child of the Light

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Think about this.
You spent the evening watching reruns of movies you have already seen. Is this what you consider to be living life to the full? Is this what you consider important? Or even desirable?
Is this what you consider to be obedience, for I know you heard me whisper to you that you needed to do some class work.
Or you can always spend the time with me, your God, your King, your friend. Your savior.
Ponder what you are doing with your life and then ponder some more what you wish to do with your time. I am disappointed in you, my sweet one. Very disappointed.
Yet, I love you still and forgive you.
Try to do better tomorrow. But do consider how what you choose to do with your life reflects on me. And what you want to be.
Do you want television reruns to be the statement of your life?
Do not judge of other addicts when you so purposefully ignore your own addiction. Stop to consider this the next time you seek to pray for an alcoholic or drug addict.
Oh my Lord and my God. Help me. Forgive me for I do not want this to be the statment of my life. Forgive me and strengthen me to forego this pastime. Help me to more obedient to your word each moment of my life. I am sorry my Lord and God. Forgive me.