Today when I heard these words proclaimed, I caught a brief glimpse of you, Lord. I realized for the first time how deeply you wanted to be married--a bridegroom-during your time here. You showed me just a brief glimpse into your heart and I realized how very much it must have hurt--at times--to put your mission ahead of your personal wants and desires.
And I also realized that you have been given all of us as your bride. We are the prize you won. You not only saved us, you won us for yourself--as compensation, perhaps, for the denial you had to accept while here. Thank you for saving me from my sins and also for allowing me to be one with you...to be a bride to you. Help me to be worthy.
I thought today was the day I would share my decision to leave with my boss, but I couldn't do it. I chickened out and I don't know why. I do want to leave and events that happen each day only confirm my decision, but I still hesitated to speak with him about it today. I have written it out and would just give it to him but I think this is the time when I need to find courage and speak with him. I am hoping to do it while he is alone, however and that wasn't going to happen this day. So I will try again tomorrow. Please be with me Lord as I find my courage to speak the words that need spoken.
The tsunami of snow that has blasted us today is incredible. The photo doesn't do it justice, but the blowing, whirling snow is nearly impenetrable. It has been howling almost nonstop and the way it creates a cloud of snow is amazing.
It occured to me today, also briefly, that the weather might be your way of giving us advance warning that your coming is imminent. The global warming cult would have us believe we can change it by reducing our carbon footprint. I wonder. I also wonder if perhaps we worked more at eliminating sin from our lives, if then the weather would level out? Or perhaps it will never level out and this is merely cyclic and nothing to be concerned about? I don't know the answers to these questions, but think perhaps it is your way of getting the attention of a world intent on ignoring you. Help me tho know that I might share my knowledge with others. I know I am such a coward about speaking...and that is why I find writing a blog so wonderful. I can share all my deepest thoughts and inspiratons with whomever chooses to read. I pray that I will learn more about how to get better readership.
Anyway, my Lord and King, that is how it went for me today. I also was given to think about fasting this day. I am learing to fast and although I am not good at it yet, I hope to be so that I might please you, my Lord and that I might also be a powerful prayer warrior for you.
Thank you for every thing you give me. I love you and want to know you more and more.
I accept your offerings this day as a loving parent accepts the gifts of a small child and makes much of it and puts it in a place of honor on the refrigerator or bulletin board. It is how you offer it that makes it a worthy gift and your intent is one of love and kindness. I know you think much about your own concerns but I also know you are a deeply compassionate person. Do not fear. You are in training. As you train and practice, you will get better until the day when I call upon you to do my will. Then the training and practice will tell and you will do great things for me. Do you believe this? I want you to believe this so that we might accomplish mighty things together.
Oh, my Lord. I do believe. I want so to be one with you and to do your will and to do it well. Please continue to train me and do not give up on me so that I might be your most holy and perfect servant. I love you.
I love you, too, my sweet one. Be at peace for I am with you and I have conquered the world.
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