I don't think there are adequate words to describe how bitingly cold it is this day. The wind knifes through even the hardiest person, slicing away all pretension that mankind has any business trying to compete with the Maker of the Universe--God Almighty.
How I thank you, Lord, that you have given me warmth and food and a place to be during all this coldness called "a real winter."
Thank you for all your many blessings this day.
It was so great to hear of answered prayers. When Marilyn phoned this morning to ask for prayers for her husband who had a heart cath and had to have stents put in, I called and asked our prayer group to begin praying for him. Tonight when I saw her at Ash Wednesday services, she said that within an hour and a half, he was doing so much better that he was allowed to come home. Praise you Lord God and thank you for taking such wonderful care of us.
Thank you also for confirmation that what you want from me during this Lenten journey is to begin to clear the clutter from my life--physically, emotionally and spiritually. It was as if Father had been in on our prayer session when I asked what you wanted from me. I know you want me to spend this time with you, writing of the happenings of the day and also to begin to clear some of the clutter from my life. It was good to hear Father affirm that is what you want from me on this journey.
So, we're off into the wilderness that you might speak to my heart. I look forward to the journey, my Lord and my friend, knowing that we will get to know each other better and better each day that we sojourn together.
Thank you for this time, my King and help me to do better each day at what you ask of me.
Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Come, follow me and you will not be disappointed. Come follow me and you will know such joy and peace that passeth all understanding. Come, follow me into the wilderness, trusting to me to provide for your journey and for all that you need. I have called you to join me. Thank you for responding and for coming with me. You will not regret it. Know that I love you and cherish you and will take good care of you. Do not fear anything or anyone. You are a Child of God and heir to the Kingdom Do not be afraid to go where I ask you or do what I ask you. All is very well. You are precious to me. Go now and do the chore I have asked you to do this day. Be at peace, sweet one.
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