What a wonderful thought this is and I hope and pray that you are indeed waiting for me in just such a manner as described above, dear Lord. What sweetness to know this love and to experience your welcoming embrace, especially after I have squandered so much of the inheritance you have given me--namely the gift of life. I have done so little with the gifts you have given me. I pray that I still have time to accomplish something with the talents you have bestowed upon me. I pray that you are still waiting for me to come to you and that you will welcome me home. Oh my dear Lord. I have so much to do. Please forgive me for my failures and help me to overcome them that I might truly live for you and with you and in you in all I think, do and say.
I do watch and wait for you to come back to me, my dear one. In many ways you are like the son who stayed and didn't ever disobey and is much loved for his devout steadfastness. And in some ways you are like the prodigal who goes off to squander all his treasure on a dissolute lifestyle. Come home to me and let me shower upon you all that I desire to give you and share with you of my life. You are very precious to me, whether you are the child who stayed or the child who needs to come home. I do long to love you totally and fully and completely. Will you come back and let me love you in this manner? You are forgiven for everything you have done and failed to do. I say to you, I love you and cherish you. Let me love you as I want to love you.
My God and My King. My Lord and My Savior. My Friend and My Love. I come home to you. I give myself entirely to you and your sweet mercy. I am yours to do with as you please. Just let me be with you always, wherever you go and whatever you do, I long to be with you. Please, do love me as you wish to love me.
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