'Jesus said to his disciples: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill." --Matthew 5:17
How confusing it must have been to be one of Jesus' first disciples. Here he is, doing good deeds on the Sabbath, neglecting to pay the temple tax, not fasting like he should and then when his disciples perhaps do something that also goes against the law, he tells them that he has not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. Even with the perspective of someone who has a little time it seems confusing to me that he is the fulfillment and not the abolishment of the law.
But then as I stop to consider what it means, I realize that his validation comes from the law, so he cannot abolish it. He must fulfill it in order that the Word of God be true and valid.
It is very cool once we finally begin to believe in him as the fulfillment of all God promised to his people from the very beginning.
It also gives me pause when people say they are in support of Christianity but dis the Jewish people. In particular, I am now thinking of Muslims who state publicly their support of Christians but almost in the same breath, call for the obliteration of Israel and Jewish people. If they understood that there is no Christianity without a valid Jewish faith, they would not be so intolerant of the Jews.
But, I am thinking that Muslims, although they publicly state a support for Christianity, do not believe it to be the true religion and seek always the conversion of all peoples to their faith. Their "support" of Christianity is but lipspeak. If people look to their deeds instead of heeding their words, we would recognize that they do not "support" Christianity. If they did, they would also support the Jewish faith, from which comes the salvation of the world...Jesus the Christ.
My sweet one--
You are indeed precious to me beyond all comprehension. Do not fear anything or anyone for I am with you. You will have all you need. Just call on me whenever you need anything and I will be there to help you. Believe this to be so and act on this belief. Do not fear. I am the God of the Universe and everything is subject to me. Do you understand all that I am giving to you?
Lord--I hope so and would like it to be true. Increase my faith that I might truly move mountains and believe all that you tell me and act on all that you tell me.
Do not doubt it but go forth rejoicing and knowing that the God of the Universe is your friend and savior. Continue on this path as we journey towards the Easter resurrection. You are making more progress than you realize even though you also fail to do everything that I ask. Continue on seeking and we shall oversome those weaknesses that you so deplore and that so distract you from my loving embrace. Go in peace. I love you.
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