This scripture has appealed to me on more than one occasion whenever I think my life and works too ordinary. I often visualize God asking me to do great things and visualize myself responding eagerly. I suspect I would not respond as eagerly if he commanded me to do the dishes or turn off the television. It is one of the lessons of obedience that I need to learn and re-learn, I suspect. It would be nice to think that I would do whatever my Lord commands me, yet I know that when He commands me to do things that I consider ordinary or even drudgery, I often balk. Lord, forgive me for those tendencies and help me to overcome my tendencies to want to do great things for you when you would be delighted with me if I did what you ask...regardless of what it is you ask.
Also, I did try to write yesterday but the internet was down and I was unable to get the access I needed. Please forgive me, for if I had begun writing when you asked it of me, perhaps I wouldn not now be asking for your forgiveness on that matter. Help me to recognize the glory of doing your will always, especially when it is something simple.
My sweet one--
Just ponder on the reading this day. I love you and want what is best for you. Have no fear but go forward gladly and joyfully, knowing that I will do what is best for you. Rejoice always for you are a child of God.
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