"While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud cast a shadow over them, then from the cloud came a voice that said, "This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him"--Matthew 17:4-5.
Clouds speaking and visions of heroes from the past. No wonder Peter, James and John fell prostrate to the ground and were frightened. These things would be enough to frighten anyone, and yet how very cool it would have been to be invited to walk high upon the mountain with the Lord and see him thus transfigured and hear the voice of the Father commending His Son How privileged those Apostles were and yet, how privileged am I that I also hear the Lord speaking to me in my heart.
Seeing the Lord so transfigured also changed these men from cowardly people into people who could speak boldly about their Lord and also be unafraid to die for him. They came a long way from the fishermen who were daunted by the sea.
How I hope to also be a bold servant of the Lord, and yet I feel I am a long ways from being so transfigured. I see all the times I fail my Lord and wonder why He puts up with me. I wonder how He has patience to deal with me committing the same sins over and over and never seeming to make much progress. Yet, here I am and I delight in the Lord, even when I remember things I have long known, but forgotten.
Thank you, my God and King for all the blessings you bestow upon me. Help me to do better tomorrow. Please bless and keep my family safe. Thank you for my family and for all the blessings that flow from their love. Help me to love them as they deserve to be loved.
And I'm still working on loving those who would be considered my enemies.
My beloved one--
We have walked upon the mountain together. I know you remember it for it was truly a moment of transfiguration for you, although you may not see the effects upon your soul, I do. It is not always apparent to the person being changed that change has occured, yet that change is magnificent for me to behold. You also know of some of the effects that walk upon the mount brought for your life has been altered by it. You knew it when it happened but it has faded from you memory. Be still and meditate upon it once again and feel the love we shared then. Know that I walk with you always, even during the times that may not be mountain top experiences. I also walk with you through the dark and through the lowest valleys. I am with you always to bring you back into the light and love of the Father. Do not fear to follow where I lead you for I have work for you to do wherever we may go. The work we do must sometimes be done in the lowest valleys and in some truly dark spots of this world. I say again, be not afraid, for I am with you and leading you where I want and need you to be. Rejoice. Again I say, rejoice!! I love you my sweet one. You are precious to me. Continue on as you have been doing. Strive daily to make more progress than you made today and eventually you will be once again transfigured. All is well.
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