Well, I know now I certainly need to take a class on web posting and web site management. I am so excited to begin anew this year working with my husband in the business we own.
In my previous post, I noted that I was confident of getting the job I had applied for because the Lord told me it was going to happen.
I also asked the Lord if he would give me a small sign that what I was doing was truly his will and that sign was that I would remain silent until my husband spoke of the matter. I told God that I would abide by whatever came out of my husband's mouth as the Lord's will for me in this matter. It was so wonderful to hear my husband tell me that he thought it was time for me to join him in this endeavor. So, now I am preparing myself and my co-workers by much prayer for the moment when I will share the news with them. It is going to be difficult for me as I have held the job with this company for a total of 16 years. The people I work with are like family to me and so it will be difficult for me, but I know it is the best for me and I am thinking it is the best for them as well. I have gotten lazy in the work I now do and have little or no enthusiasm for it. So it will be better if I step aside and they can put someone in place who does have enthusiasm for it.
I thought to offer to continue to do some of the computer work..maybe after hours but I don't know if that's what the Lord wants for me. He seems to want me to totally let go and Let God, to borrow an oft-used expression. So, I will not offer. However, if my boss asks me...what should I say?
I will leave it up to you, My Lord and King as to what we will say should this happen. I know you have plans for me and I trust you in those plans, so I will not worry about it.
I do, however, find myself in need of some additional computer training and knowledge, so I will sign up for one of the courses that is currently offered through the community college outreach.
And, I must begin to work more at home on my house projects. Lent is again coming up and I would like to offer you a sacrifice that you truly want me to do, so what should I do, Lord?
Sweet one--
Thank you for your obedience today is sitting down to write out our conversations. You are learning to become my trusted and valuable servant and it will bring you many rewards. You are also my friend and my beloved child, all these things you are to me and you are progressing on your journey to become one with the Trinity and all of the heavenly host. The song running through your head this morning..."Rejoice and be glad for yours is the Kingdom of God," is a gift about your state today.
I truly do want you to completely free yourself from any attachment to your current position. For this reason, your boss will not ask you to do the computer work and so you will not have to choose. All is well. Do not fear, for I am guiding you where I want and need you to be.
As for your Lenten sacrifice, I would like you to continue to write on this blog, sharing with me your Lenten journey and what you are learning and doing and feeling and thinking. We have tried numerous times to get this done and I think this time we may actually be able to. So, in addition to a daily blog post, beginning on Ash Wednesday, I would like you to also do one household project a day. Accomplish something each day which you will pray about before and after so I know it is the daily offering. I leave it to you to determine what the day's offering will be and I will guide you daily if you do spend the time in prayer with me. Do these things as your Lenten sacrifice and I will bless you according to my most divine will. You will find such joy and delight in it.
Go now in peace. I love you.
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