Year's End and New Beginnings
Well, it has certainly been an event filled year for not only me and my family, but also for the world as the surprise results of the election will have an impact on world events.
As to my family changes, my daughter who has been married for over 20 years got divorced this past year due to infidelity on the part of her husband. My granddaughter, the fruit of this marriage, graduated from college and is now gainfully employed. I am very proud of both of my girls and I pray that the upcoming year will bring them back to, You, my dear Lord and God. As of now, they seem to be in denial mode, denial of Your existence and love for them. I continue to pray and hope that they will return to You.
My son and his wife have been trying to have a child. This is my son's third wife and he has been gone from the Catholic faith for years. Still, I hope that he will see that there is no future for him and his wife and potential family without Your guidance, my Lord. They are now trying IVF because normal means of conceiving a child have proved ineffective. I don't know how to tell them that IVF isn't approved by the Church, although since he is no longer attending, I don't know if it would do anything but drive them further from You and the Church.
My other son seems to be doing well, at least so far. It has been a trying year for he and his family as well, however. His ex-wife and the mother of his four children suffered a huge loss when her significant other and essentially the children's stepfather was killed in the line of duty. He was a law enforcement officer and his death has been hard on the whole family.
My nephew, the youngest son of my deceased little brother got into some trouble and was arrested for a probation violation. We bailed him out and he is currently living with us and is doing well. He worked for us this summer and is now working at the local sawmill. He is a good kid and I pray that he will also come to know you.
My dad seems to be doing well. He is still able to live at his home because a niece and nephew are living there to keep an eye on him. He is in relatively good health but doesn't do much. I know his relationship with you is good, however, and I thank you for that.
My sister and her family seem to be doing well and I am so happy that she has two new grandchildren to love and help care for. She is a blessing to me and to them.
Last Christmas, my husband and I rescued a little kitten on the day after Christmas. She was the delight of our lives. Such a loving and cuddly little thing but unfortunately, we have lost her. She was killed by an automobile when she was attempting to cross the highway.
My husband and I continue to do well. Our marriage seems to get stronger all the time and I constantly pray for your protection and guidance in keeping our marital relations good. I have so many failings and faults that I am amazed that my husband continues to tolerate me, but he does. Thank you for that wonderful gift as well.
One of my lifelong friends, who also was recently divorced, has moved back "home" and her friendship is a delight to me. I am looking forward to growing in our relationship, in, with and through you.
Several other friends and I conducted a study of the Catholic Church via the program Symbolon and it was very informative. Our parish has also signed up for the Formed program through the Augustine Institute and we did one of the Bible Study programs this fall. Whether we continue to do more programs will remain to be seen.
My cousin who was living fairly close has returned to the city where we graduated from high school, after losing a job here at a local school. She is currently working at another school and I pray that she is calling upon you for guidance as she instructs little minds.
My Dad's sole surviving sister died this past year and that has grieved her daughters and her brothers. I am also grieved, but also rejoice because I know she loved you and I pray that she is with you and her other loved ones. One of her daughters has cut me off from social media because of the results of the election. I can't say that I am heartbroken because she is an atheist and a liberal who cannot see where her views are taking her. I continue to pray for her and hope that she will eventually see the light.
Other family members are doing well as are other friends. I thank you for the blessing of their lives and pray that you will grow my relationships with them according to your will.
I used the saint name generator again this year to come up with a new Saint to accompany throughout the year. I was delighted to be chosen by St. Nicholas and look forward to seeing what new depths of generosity and giving he can lead me into as well as a new knowledge of You and Your love.
So, I have been asked to ask you what new phrase or word you would like to give me as the guiding focus of my life for this coming year. I have given it some thought but have not yet listened to You, my Lord. What word or phrase would you like to give me?
"Give us aid against the foe; worthless is human help. We will triumph with the help of God, who will trample down our foes." ~ Psalm 60:13-14
Although this Psalm starts off with rejection and defeat, it ends with the above verse. So, I will do some thinking about it and try to always ask for Your help first, My Lord and My God.
My Sweet Child,
I love you mightily and I say to you. Do not be afraid. Go forth with joy in knowing You can call upon me at need and we will fight the foes that plague your life and the lives of your loved ones. There is nothing to fear, even in persecution and suffering, for I am with you and I am God. Anything you suffer, offer up to me for my glory and I will bless you mightily. Do not hesitate to call upon me, especially when human help is far off or nonexistent and you will begin to experience the Power of my Kingdom, which I desire to give you. I love you.
Thank you, my Lord and my God. I love you and thank you for this past year, with all its sufferings and changes.
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