Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Third Tuesday of Advent, Dec. 13

The Solemnity of St. Lucy

"What is your opinion?"...~ Matthew 21: 28

Lord, today, as we continue our Advent journey, you are asking questions of the scribes and Pharisees about an event...the two sons, and which does the Father's will..the son who at first refuses and then relents and does it or the son who says yes, he will do it, but does not.
It is a lesson intended for those who think they are safe and can presume upon the Father's good will. 
It is also a story of humility and right thinking when the son who at first refused then changes his mind and does what the Father asks.
Quite frankly,  my Lord, I find myself confused by which of those  I am, for I can identify with both.
What is your opinion of me, my Lord and my God?

You are both, my child, at differing times you are both obedient and disobedient. You say you want to be Mine, but you refuse to throw down those trappings of the world which have ensnared you. Television comes to mind.
And, your news blogs. You spend far too much time consumed with the opinions of men than you do seeking my opinion.
Yet, I love you and  want to give you your hearts desire. I am your hearts desire, albeit hidden within your search for beauty, knowledge and acceptance.
You must surrender your will to mine. You must follow the teachings of Lectio and begin to grow in our relationship. You talk at me and pray at me, but seldom do you speak with me or pray with me. Do you understand the difference? I want you to experience the full depth of my love and concern for you, but you must let go of the trappings of the world.

Please help me, Lord, and Blessed Mother, to overcome those weaknesses and addictions which so consume me that I have little time to give to you. 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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