Sunday, December 11, 2016

Gaudete Sunday, Advent 2016

Today has been an interesting day, my Lord.
It began when I took my friend Communion and even though I have spent quite a bit of time helping her, I think she thought I had done something wrong when I helped her set up her router. So, I left upset with her.

Then, I spent a little time trying to find a good picture for today's gift while my heart was disturbed. I spent the afternoon glued to my phone and then attended the choir Christmas concert with another friend. 

It was interesting because of the people there, in particular another friend  with whom I have trouble communicating. Nothing new on that front, although I was surprised to see that friend, I didn't really feel fear about speaking, as I have in past instanced,  just indifference.
Until later, when I once again marvel at the really bad timing the two of us seem to have. And I have felt bad ever since, wondering why this happens to us. 
It's the heart to heart thing that has always been a hallmark of our relationship. Only we don't seem to ever be in sync.
And yet, this is the reason I have come to experience your love on an ever deeper level.
Lord, I have not been experiencing this Advent as purely and as holy as I would like.
I offer what I am and what I have in the hopes that you can make of it something you desire.
It is a pitiful offering, I realize, I pray that you and Blessed mother can help me to do better.
Thank you, my Lord. 
Please help me to overcome my addictions.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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