"But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name.." John 1:12
What a wonderful scripture verse and one that has stayed with me since I first heard it (again) several days ago.
To those who believe in his name and accept him, he gives the power to become children of God.
In pondering this, it means that the ability to be children of God is not given to everyone, just those who accept and believe.
It is probably available to unbelievers if they surrender to God or intend to surrender to His almighty and ever powerful love for each person.
Yet, this means that we who do believe have somehow been equipped to travel through this world with something similar to a homing compass or beacon, leading us always closer to our true home.
Of course, we have to pay attention to the "homing beacon," so that we don't get lost or off track. And when or if we do, we have to hope that the homing beacon will still work, guiding us onward.
Yet, what if in the process of making our way homeward, we lose the Beacon or the ability to understand it? Would that not explain the terrible dichotomy of views present in this world? Because so many folks seem not to have the power to become God's children, or have lost it along way.
Thank you, Lord for the power of your name and the inheritance bequeathed to us.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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