I am puzzled by it, of course and wish to know what it means. Does it mean exactly what it seems to mean and I actually do let a person fall to their apparent death so that I might soar higher? Or does it mean that I have been kept from soaring higher because I was trying to bear too much weight and now that I have released the burden of this person, I can go on to achieve what my heart desires? Or a combination of both? On one hand, I am bothered that I feel so little compassion for the person falling from a distance above the earth and on the other hand I feel relieved that I no longer bear a burden too heavy for me and can now go on to where I feel called to go. And one more thing to think about is that I really don't know what happens to the burden once I release it as it falls below the cloud cover and I can no longer see. So, it is entirely possible that the person sprouts wings and begins to fly himself, no longer hindered by my packing him around when he should be flying himself anyway.
Anyway, it was vivid and came to me twice, so I think it must be you telling me something in a visual way. I just hope I get the interpretation of it correct in what I feel compelled to do now.
On other fronts, I'm sure that I will be the big baddie at work tomorrow when the gang all gets together to discuss the happenings of the day. I guess it is part of the plan to sever ties that bind and that fits with the vision as well. Severing the ties that bind us to burdens we are no longer capable of bearing now seems a good way to describe the vision, for that is what it appears to be.
I guess I will just be as happy and joyful as I can be while trying to do your will, Lord. Thank you for the trials this day and for the help you are giving me to overcome my faults and failings. I ask that you do not cause the people with whom I work to suffer needlessly because of them and I ask you to bless them with whatever they need to understand me and deal with the change taking place.
Hello my dear one,
You seem to have much more energy tonight and I am thankful that you thought again to speak with me in this manner. Yes, the vision is from me and I want you to know that I do have things planned for you that will require you to let go of things you have previously valued and cherished. You needn't bear the burden any longer and you needn't fear the outcome of this letting go. Continue to strive daily to do my will and to love each of those with whom you come in contact. Pray for them as you feel necessary and do not let little outcomes like today disturb your peace. Stop immediately when you feel the pressure and pray for those who are stressing you. You have done this in the past with people who disturb your peace and I want you to resume the practice. It bears as much fruit for you as it does for them, so do not fear to be generous in this regard. Trust me in this. Know I do have plans for you and I am working to bring them to fruition as soon as possible. Until then, you must continue to prepare as the task ahead will be daunting and challenging but very rewarding.
Go now and rest and I will bless your sleep with sweet dreams. I love you, precious child.
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