Friday, December 21, 2007

The Presentation

Even though I have missed the past few nights, I guess I must now present this to you as I will be unable to do more. Thank you for the gift of your most precious and beautiful Son so that I might be saved and forgiven.
Please take this poor offering that I have given you and bless it to make it a holy offering. Please forgive me for the hurts and pains I have suffered in the name of my own vanity and exchange those things for your grace and forgiveness. Please help me to heal the woundedness of my heart over the disappointments suffered by me when family and friends wound me in the depths of my heart and please forgive me the rages I spew when my husband succumbs to his disease and drinks himself stupid.
This is the poor and pathetic offering of my heart and soul to you and I am so sorry that I have nothing better to offer to the King, the Babe.

Sweet child--
Thank you for your gift. It is precious to me, in spite of how you view it. I cherish the freely given gifts of my beloved ones. I love you. Know this and rejoice and do not despair over the poverty of your offering.

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