Oh, how I thank and praise you, my God and King for all the wonderful gifts you have given to me and to my family and my country. We are so generously blessed in many ways. You have given so much to us and I only pray that by our actions and words we may honor you, the King of the Universe.
Thank you for the gift of confession in which our hearts and souls may be purged from the things which so often block us from you and tarnish the beauty of grace and joy which you long to present to us.
I am thrilled by the relief that confession brings to my wounded heart. All of the wounds I have been experiencing these past times, I feel are now out in the open and healing has begun. Thank you, my God and my King for your forgiveness and mercy. Help me to do as asked during this most wonderful sacrament and continue the healing of heart and soul.
I love you, my God and Savior. Help me to love you even more and to do what you want me to do in all things. Help me to also do it joyfully.
Dear Child--
You are sweet and wonderful to me, a gift from the Father to my heart which is often wounded by the rejection of those who claim to love me. I cherish those of you who long to do my will and who rejoice in all the gifts given to them. Never think you are not doing my will when you have been so steadfastly praying and striving to listen to the still small voice. It is then that I communicate to you my will. I see the striving and forgive the failures. So also must you see the striving of those near and dear to you and forgive the hurts they cause you. I know how much you have been wounded by those you love. Do not fear and do not despair. I truly have a wondrous plan for you and only as you obey my will for you will you see it manifested in your life. This plan is much to be desired and when I command you to do something, you must do it so as not to miss the opportunity of working my will. You will delight in the outcome of such instant obedience. Be at peace, dear one. I love you.
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