Thank you so very much for the snow, Lord. From it and the stores that accumulate during the cold winter months, we get the life giving water that nourishes our beautiful little valley and feeds the river.
How I long to know you better, my Lord and my King and to do your will in all things. I long to do great things for you, actually and do hope you have a plan for the rest of my life.
I am at the point where I look for a change and hope that we can journey together into a different aspect of the world where you have allowed me to live.
Thank you for my family and the people I number as friends. They are precious to me. Thank you for the faith community you have blessed us with. Mostly, thank you for Jesus and Mary and the Holy Spirit and the angels and saints and Pope Benedict XVI and also for Pope John Paul II.
Watching the movie of JPII's life last night with my beautiful friend and prayer partner, I was struck by how much he accomplished in his life. All because he was obedient to you and did as you commanded him. Teach me obedience, Lord, immediate and total obedience to your will in all things.
Thank you also for the people who vex me and with whom I struggle to be charitable and kind. I know you have allowed them to be a part of my life as well and I thank you for that. Please pour out the graces I need to deal with them as you will.
Thank you for the dogs who are pets to me and help me to be a better master to them. They are such wonderful and devoted friends and I thank you for them.
Ah, my Lord. Thank you for all the blessing you have bestowed on me. Help me, now, to pass those blessings along to others, willingly and lovingly and generously as you are all those things with me. Forgive me for when I want to be stingy with blessing and all things. I do you no honor by being so selfish. Help me to be victorious again, Lord. I love you.
Good evening my sweet one--
Thank you for taking the time this evening to be with me and to share your thoughts and prayers of praise and thanksgiving. You are learning obedience and are also being trained for the work I have ahead of you. Do not fear, I will do what is best for you. Do you trust me in this? As you prepare your heart, soul and body for the upcoming challenges I have planned for you, give me thanks and praise for the outcome of this training. It will lead to your heart's desire and you will rejoice that you have listened to me and done as I commanded. My child, I know your struggles and your faults and failings. Do not fear. We are working on them and as you become more devoted to me and more obedient, these things that trouble you now will simply fade away.
Do not doubt that he who speaks to you is I, your Lord and King. You have surrendered your heart to me and I will care for it gently and greatly. It is an awesome gift and I thank you for it. I would not let something damage that, so do not fear but go in peace to love me and serve me. I am guiding you and will guide you in all things. I cherish you and you are special to me. Never think that I disount you for I do not. You will do great things for me, my child. You are blessed in my sight and I will never forsake you.
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