What wondrous things happen when you are present, my dear Friend and King. You are the most awesome God and I thank you and praise you for all you have done for me. Help me to know you and love you more and more.
I am continually inspired by the fantastic landscapes you provide me with. I hope to be able to improve my photo taking abilities to do justice to the incredible views you give me.
Driving home this evening, I glanced out the window and the starry sky was so crisp and clear. It reminded me of the carol, "It came upon a Midnight Clear." Although the picture here looks like clouds covering the mountain, it is actually snow blowing from the heights and it is incredibly beautiful.
When my daughter and her family were here yesterday, I thought to ask them to participate in the Companion Saints but didn't get around to it, so asking for the Holy Spirit's guidance, I drew the names of the Saints who have chosen them to be companions for the upcoming year. I hope to give them to the kids as a gift of the Christmas season. I pray they will be touched by the idea and pray also that they use the opportunity to learn more of the saints and how they are there to help us. Thank you for each of them and I ask that the kids hearts will be prepared to receive the Good News of your coming. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share this special gift from you with them. Of course the saints are gifts from you and they help us to know and love you more and more. It is a fantastic system, really.
I was listening to the CDs from the Mary Foundation about confession. I must prepare my heart for your coming as well and it was a good opportunity for me to examine my conscience. I need you to heal my woundedness as I make my confession, so please help me to make an honest and complete confession in preparation for your coming.
Thank you Lord for all your blessings. Help me to share them with those most in need.
My child--
How I love you. I have loved you from the beginning of all time and will love you throughout all eternity. I am head over heels in love with you and you delight me in wanting to know and love me more and more. I truly have great need of you and your gifts and please know that I am working out my plans for you. I want my plans to come to fruition more than you can know or anticipate and you will be so delighted and joyous, it makes my heart sing to think of how I will delight you. You have much to do this week in preparation for my coming and I will be with you throughout it all, so have no thought of stress or anxiety. I want you to feel the peace and love of the season and not the hectic rush that so often accompanies the secular preparations for Christmas. Go always in my peace and love and we will accomplish mighty things.
Lord, thank you for your infinite care of me. I love you and worship you and give you thanks and praise. Help me to always give glory to you and to reflect you in all I say and do that I might be a light to all who are seeking to know you.
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