As I was reading the monthly message from Our Lady of Medjugorje recently, I happened across a bit by Sister Emmanuel about companion saints.
She asks that we download the list of Saints and then fold each piece of paper with the Saints name and prayer commission on it.
Tradition has it that the Saint you choose from the folded slips of paper has actually chosen you and you are to spend the year getting to know that Saint.
It really appealed to me, as you know, Lord in that the Saint who chose me is St. Andrew--your beloved first Apostle and brother to St. Peter. I am thrilled with the idea of getting to know a Saint better and have done as Sr. asked and prepared the slips of paper to share with my family of church ladies at our monthly meeting.
I pray that you will send you most Holy Spirit upon us that He may guide the hand of each person so that the Saint who has chosen them will be selected.
Thank you so very much for all your blessings. Please also bless the words I am writing that the Holy Spirit might pour forth His power into them for the benefit of those reading them.
I love you so much, sweet child. Know that you are victorious and I will bring about the desires of your heart. Know this and rejoice for I am with you. Do not fear but go in peace. My blessings upon you this day.
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