Frost is so incredibly beautiful, even if looking at it you cannot tell how cold it must be to make these frozen crystals into something wondrous.
Thank you, my beloved friend and Lord for all the blessings of this day. Help me tomorrow to do better at the things that please you.
Help me my Lord to find a way to connect with my friend again. She is the most wonderful person and she still makes the attempts to be my friend, but she is moving away from me as she seeks companionship elsewhere. She and her husband will be leaving for a couple of months and during that time, I will essentially be friendless because she is my best friend here. She hurts me sometimes, even though I know she doesn't mean it, when she tells me of her social life and it is exclusive of me.
I don't know why I am not invited to attend some of the evenings out with the girls but I am not. For awhile, I didn't want to go & perhaps that is all that is happening here...she is trying to respect my decision. On the other hand, I suspect there is one of the ladies who doesn't want me there and I guess that is something I have to live with even though it wounds me in my heart that my friend allows this other person to so discriminate against me. I have done the same myself, though and possible worse, so I will not ever challenge her on it and I ask that you will heal my woundedness that I might forgive as you forgive and love as you love.
Thank you for allowing me the grace to do as I think you are asking me. Bless me with clearer sight that I might see and recognize the grace you are pouring into my life every minute of every day. Bless me also that I might continue to grow in your love, reflecting you to each person with whom I come in contact.
My friend--
Know that I will always be with you in times of loneliness and when you seem to be all alone, remember all the angels and saints who are also your friends during this time. They are here and love you with the love I have given them that we may all be one. You are not alone or unfriended. You are indeed making new friends among the angels and saints and while that may not seem to be the same as having a friend on earth, know that it is indeed wonderful and powerful. My angels and saints have much power to help you recognize your own power---granted and given by me to do the will of the Holy Trinity.
Today is the feast day of St. John of Matha and it was he who founded the Trinitarians, an order devoted to the Holy Trinity. Thank him for this offering and discover more about the Trinitarians. This I ask of you. Now go in peace, my sweet child. You are being much blessed by your continual prayers. I love you.
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