Lord, I have been having such a difficult time getting logged on and getting my computer to do what I need it to. I uninstalled a number of programs and now I have to reinstall them but Oh my, I was having a very difficult time.
Today was an interesting one for me as I finally made the determination that regardless of what I do or don't do, certain people are always going to discount me. So, I am actually going to let go of whatever I was expecting and just enjoy the journey with you as you take me to where you want me to go, my Lord and King
Thank you so very much for allowing me to realize that I will never be what I want to be to some people in my life, so I might just as well quit trying and look at what you want me to accomplish. You are wonderful and mighty and I know you are with me always protecting me and guiding me and allowing me these perceptions. You do have something that you want me to do for you and it may bring me suffering and pain, but it will be suffering and pain for Your Glory, my Lord and I thank you for that.
Tonight with my parish ladies, we allowed your Saints to choose us as companions for the year. The Saints who chose me were St. Rose of Lima and St. Thomas More and of course, St. Andrew had chosen me when I first came upon the site.
So, I am looking forward to getting to know these Saints better, my Lord, and seeing where you want us to go.
Thank you for this day and for the protections you surround me with. I didnt' realize until this day that I am being attacked by those who would wish me ill because of things in the past. So, I ask for your guidance and protection and ask that you surround me with your Reflecting love that it might reflect back upon those who would wish me ill.
My sweet one-
You are indeed precious to me and I have been guiding you for so many years. I know it would have hurt you had you previously known the depth of some people's disregard for you, so I shielded you from it. Now that you are willing to let go, I can show you the truth of the matter and also how much I have loved and protected you throughout. So, are you ready to journey with me to new and unknown places? You will be with me always and I will guard and guide you where I need you and want you to be. It is an act of faith and may cause you some discomforting moments, but the end result will be so much more than you could ever realize where you now are. It will encompass many aspects of my Divine Life, including pain and suffering, so I want you to think about it and pray about it. Know that it will be a journey of love with me, however and I will never forsake you or discount you. I love you and want you to say yes.
Oh my Lord,
I do say yes to whatever you have in mind for me. I am not afraid and even though there may be times that I will be afraid, I am counting on you to guide me and guard me and get me through whatever you have in store for me. I am excited to begin the journey and pray that things will happen rapidly now that I have committed myself to you and Your Divine Love and Mercy. Thank you for loving me and caring for me.
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