Friday, February 23, 2018

Present Moment Awareness

For the second time this week, I have been shown that I need present moment awareness.
My friend explained it this way:
"Staying in the past, causes depression because we can't do anything to change some of the things that happened. Worrying about what might happen in the future does no good whatsoever and causes anxiety. The middle ground is staying exactly where we are and that is in the present; not worrying about what might happen, etc."

The second time was today in Lenten meditation by Matthew Kelley that states, "One of the things that prevents us from cooperating with God, from collaborating with God, in that patient, one-step-at-a-time way, is worry. We worry about things. We worry about, "Well what if this happens?" Or, "What if that happens?" Or, "What if this other thing happens?" And God is constantly calling us back from that and saying, "Focus on the moment. Focus on the moment. Be completely present in the moment. Be completely aware of what's happening to you, in you, around you in this moment."

So, my Lord and my God, I ask You this day for the gift of present moment awareness. Help me to be fully present in whatever I do this day, especially in my prayer life. I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen

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