"And then, when the full sight of ourselves comes to us, who will not wish that he had known more of himself here, rather than leaving it for the inevitable day to reveal it all to him!" ~Blessed John Henry Newman
So begins the Journey with my Lord into the desert of my soul wherein I have secrets, faults and failings that will be revealed.
If those things are not discovered on this journey, they will still be known eventually by our Lord on the day of my particular judgement.
So perhaps by allowing the Lord to show them to me on this journey, the exposure to the Light will cleanse and purify them that they will not seem so terrible on the day of judgement.
I felt inspired to share a book with my sister-in-law that has proven invaluable to me over the years. The book is historical fiction but very well researched and it gives a tremendous insight into first century Palestine. Titled The Day Christ Died by Jim Bishop, it's a fantastic way for one to get to know Christ better.
I am such a poor evangelizer, however, so I hope my non-Catholic sister-in-law accepts the gift in the spirit it was given and that it acts like a seed. My job was to plant the seed and I essentially just threw it at her on the way out the door without giving her too much time to talk to me about it.
Lord, if it was your will that I share the book with her, then please grow this seed into what you intended and please forgive me for not being able to share adequately with her.
Thank you also for the gift of love which you share on this journey. You fill me with joy and delight and I am so thankful and so very blessed.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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