Wednesday, February 21, 2018

God's Plan

"One thing about doing the Lord's work: it doesn't always turn out according to our plans." ~Michael E. Gaitley in 33 Days to Morning Glory, day 2

This statement in Fr Gaitley's book comes after a section relating that St. Louis de Monfort had convinced hundreds of peasants to volunteer their labor and materials to build a monument to our Lord's passion. They spent 15 months working on it and the day before it was to be blessed by the Bishop, the government tore it down!

Although St. Louis de Monfort did build a monument by his life's work, it was not the one he intended.

Likewise for each of us. We sometimes get so focused on what we think we ought to be doing that we forget that God might have something else in mind.
Those alternative possibilities I wrote about yesterday are an example of this for me.
Lord, please help me to focus on your goals for my life..not mine. 
Thank you.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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