"Is this the manner of fasting I wish, of keeping a day of penance: That a man bow his head like a reed and lie in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord?" ~ Isaiah 58: 5
Today's assignment:
Write something on what a day acceptable to the Lord looks like.
My day begins with prayer, a time of meditation and reflection. I look to the Lord, whom I have followed into the desert.
He is off by himself praying. I begin my prayers so I am ready for the day's activities when He calls.
I had thought that following the Lord into the desert meant that we will always be on the move as we traverse the harsh terrain, ever seeking, ever searching for some unknown destination. At least unknown to me.
He is slightly amused by my mistaken understanding.
I see humor glinting from His eyes.
"No," He tells me, smiling. "Today we will work on making this place acceptable as an abode."
I'm sure He can see the disappointment in my eyes. I followed in part, for the adventure of it. It sounded so grand...following the Lord into the desert, fighting unknown foes as we struggled through the harsh dryness of a desert landscape.
Although I had no idea what would await us, I had envisioned glorious battles both spiritual and physical as I sacrificed my all for Him.
Instead, I discover that we will mostly remain in one place. He has chosen it carefully, mindful of the surroundings. It is where we are supposed to be.
We have made our encampment on a wide ledge that has a sheer cliff wall to our backs, protection against the prevailing wind. A small rock overhang offers shelter from the intense sun. It would also be proof against any rain, should that happen.
Looking away from the cliff wall, the vista opens broadly before us. We had to climb to reach this ledge, which drops off sharply in front of us and to one side so that the only way onto the ledge is by the path we took to get here. It is defendable against the wild beasts that roam the barren desert, looking for food.
The view stretches out seemingly forever, rolling hills and deep crevasses, giving me a more realistic idea of what wilderness actually means.
And we need to make this place "an acceptable abode?" I am wondering what is acceptable to Him when He tells me that He knows my needs. I need food, water and shelter. So, we must search the surroundings for things that we can haul onto our ledge for my comfort.
I had brought a pack with some small amounts of food and water. Still I had been prepared to experience the privation He was going to experience during this exile.
Now, it seems that instead of the extreme fast He is to undergo, I am not to share in that..at least to the extent He is.
"Do not fear," He says. "You will experience this time of preparation to its fullest if you trust me and do as I say."
So, I begin the menial tasks of making the ledge into an acceptable abode.
After a brief time, it becomes exceedingly obvious why He has chosen this place for our abode during these 40 days. I fear even the pitiful fasting I am doing is going to be quite a struggle for me.
He knew this!
He can withstand the worst the wilderness throws at him, yet I cannot. So He has adapted His suffering to accommodate my weakness. Thank you, my Lord.
He smiled knowingly and urged me to continue with the task He had asked of me this day.
I struggled with distraction all day. I halted my labors to pray a rosary and was distracted. I was distracted when I prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
I began clearing away debris that cluttered the abode and while I made a good start, there remains much to do.
I tried to fast, but had a small lunch and another snack later in the day. I remember thinking how hungry He must be...and how grateful I am that He doesn't expect the same from me...at least yet.
I get the feeling I am in training and that perhaps I will be required to do a better job fasting after I have "worked up to it."
At any rate, as the day draws to a close and we sit, warming ourselves in the soft glow of fire embers, I look at Him with the question in my heart?
Was it acceptable?
The look of love He gives me almost stops my heart. I know that He loves me, even when I fail...or perhaps especially when I fail.
I tried to be obedient and will strive to do better as we continue our journey tomorrow.
A journey I am discovering that is more inward than outward.
Thank you, Lord. I love you.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.