I see you frequently in nature, my God, and was fortunate enough this day to be outside where I could revel at the wonder of your creation. How magnificent it truly is! I am humbled before such a stunning display of your beauty, as reflected by your creation.
Thank you for arranging for me to be outside today. It seems more like I am beginning a journey that will take me ever closer to you when I get to share in the world pictured above. I thank you for this day and for the people whom you allowed me to share it with. I pray that you will pour out your blessings on each of them, gifting them with something special to their hearts. Thank you.
I had many things to ponder this day, but so far the thing which has stayed with me is from today's Gospel reading. Matthew's gospel spells out the behavior for fasting and prayer and I was comforted by it because of my earlier questions on speaking out. According to Matthew, I needn't go around telling people of my prayers and fasts, seeking honor or even just acknowledgment from them. If I do, that is the reward I get--even if it is not what I really want. If I want the reward the Father has to offer, then I must not boast of my prayers or fasts.
I do still wonder about when I should speak out, though. So many Christians believe they must share their faith with everyone around them. I don't know when to speak and when not to speak of it, so I usually don't speak out loud. I do speak to them in the silence of my heart and hope and pray that if God really wants me to speak out loud, he will give me the words or let them hear the words I speak in the silence of my heart.
My beloved child--
You are doing just fine. Do not fret yourself over words about me. Show me to others by living the Gospel message and words will be unnecessary. You will see as we make this journey that words are not required to share me with the world. I am delighted to share this journey with you and will indeed pour out many blessings on you as we go along together. I thank you for taking me with you this day and for recognizing me in the beauty of the outdoors. You will come to joy in the heart to heart conversations we share and to see them as a true manifestation of me. When your heart quickens, know I am speaking to you.
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