Planted today near the river it would be hard for any nourishment of love to penetrate the frozen soil of my heart. Yet as winter turns to spring and the water of the river begins to rush through the valley it rises and often overflows the banks drenching everything. After the mad rush of spring, it slows providing gentle sustenance through the long, warm days of summer. And in the fall, the flow slows to a trickle before winter storms once again ice it over. I suppose my imaginings of this meditation reflect the ebb and flow of my relationship with you, my Lord and God. There are so many times I am frozen to your love, attempting to keep you from penetrating my heart. Yet at other times, I am so overwhelmed by it, as if carried away by flood waters. And then there are just calm times when I am nourished and grow in the gentle warmth of your love.
I often beat myself up for these differing views, thinking one or the other is somehow not as good. But perhaps what you are telling me here, Lord, in this meditation is that each aspect of my relationship is necessary to have life to the full. I need the winter as much as the spring or summer, just as all your creation does.
I really like the image of your grace permeating my whole being, as the life-giving water permeates a tree through the roots and up to the highest branches--filling each leaf, bloom, and branch with the nourishment needed to grow and produce fruit. I love thinking that your grace permeates each action of mine and also produces much fruit for the kingdom and I pray that this is so. Thank you, my Savior, for this day and for nourishing my soul even in the cold darkness of winter.
My beloved--
You often worry about not being used for a certain task, or fret yourself over times of inactivity. I desire to teach you that you must have periods of rest and preparation before you are once again able to do my work. There is nothing wrong with you, nor have you done something wrong. It is just the law of creation as I have laid it out for all. You will bear much fruit for the glory of my name, as you have prayed many times to do. Giving me thanks for this time of preparation is what I want from you today. There will be days when I ask much more of you and for those days, my river of grace will be as strong and rushing as a spring stream overflowing its banks and giving you all you can absorb. For now, rest and prepare for the time of growth to come. You are precious to me. Know this and rejoice.
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